Einstein’s Unfinished Symphony : Th... An updated classic that recounts the long hunt for Einstein‚Äôs…
Copernican Revolution : Planetary Astrono... The significance of the plurality of the Copernican Revolution is…
Secrets of Ancient America : Archaeoastro... A modern explorer and sacred site expert discusses the presence…
World Archaeoastronomy Selected papers from the 2nd Oxford International Conference on Archaeoastronomy…
Dawn of Astronomy : A Study of Temple Wor... A pioneer in the fields of astrophysics and astro-archeology, J….
Universe : Exploring the Astronomical World Explore the stars and planets and beyond through 300 fascinating…
Welcome to the Universe : The Problem Book Here is the essential companion to Welcome to the Universe,…
Expanding Universe : Photographs from the... Time, space, and a telescope: Hubble‚Äö√Ñ√∂‚àö√ë‚àö¬•s most magnificent images With…