Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Comi... With a scientist’s mind and an animal lover’s compassion, world-renowned…
Pets on the Couch : Neurotic Dogs, Compul... The ‚Äúfur-and-feathers Oliver Sacks‚Äù (New York Times), pioneering veterinarian Nicholas…
Dharma of Dogs : Our Best Friends As Spir... A collection of essays that offer humor, solace, inspiration, and…
Color-by-Number Dogs : 30+ Fun & Rela... Challenge your coloring skills with Color-by-Number: Dogs, an exciting new…
Walking Wisdom : Three Generations, Two D... The best-selling author of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success…
Dogs Don’t Bite When a Growl Will D... Complemented by charming photographs, a collection of canine wisdom demonstrates…
Ladybird’s Remarkable Relaxation : ... A picture book that teaches an effective yoga relaxation technique…