Ethics in the Real World : 82 Brief Essay... Peter Singer is often described as the world’s most influential…
Hegel’s Social Ethics : Religion, C... Hegel‚Äö√Ñ√¥s Social Ethics offers a fresh and accessible interpretation of…
Self-realization Through Confucian Learni... Confucian philosopher Xunzi’s moral thought is considered in light of…
Ethics at 3:AM : Questions and Answers on... What do ethicists and moral philosophers really think about? What…
Self-realization Through Confucian Learni... Confucian philosopher Xunzi‚Äôs moral thought is considered in light of…
Beyond Religion : Ethics for a Whole World Outlines a system of secular ethics that both transcends religion…
Mind of Clover : Essays in Zen Buddhist E... Essays discuss murder, theft, lying, vanity, anger, and drug taking…