Sacred Smudge Stick with Crystal Fragrant dried herbs wrapped in twine with a healing rose quartz crystal
Sacred Palo Santo Smudge Stick Bundle Smudge stick of herbs and tied together with a piece of palo santo wood
Meraki Nomad Sacred Smudge Stick Dried sage, sweetgrass, lavender, and rose bundled into a fragrant smudge stick
Incausa Handmade Stoneware Clay Incense H... Hand-thrown incense holder in glazed white, light or raw stoneware
Charcona & Jagube Offscourings Incens... Incense logs made from a blend of four fragrant herbs including Ayahuasca
Incausa White Sage Incense Sticks Incense sticks made from a blend of white sage leaves and Breu resin