Shakespeare’s Roman Trilogy : The T... Paul A. Cantor first probed Shakespeare‚Äö√Ñ√¥s Roman plays‚Äö√Ñ√ÆCoriolanus, Julius Caeser,…
Shakespeare’s Yoga : How the Bard C... “There are remarkable connections between ancient yogic principles and Shakespeare’s…
Shakespeare and the Stars : The Hidden As... To celebrate the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death, this book…
Secret of Shakespeare : His Greatest Play... Contends that Shakespeare’s essential greatness is evident when focusing on…
Daphne Rose Kingma on Love’s Varied and D... In the spring of 1995, relationship expert, therapist and healer…
Barnum’s Own Story : The Autobiogra... P. T. Barnum’s career of showmanship and charlatanry was marked…
Hamilton and Philosophy : Revolutionary T... In Hamilton and Philosophy, professional thinkers expose, examine, and ponder…