Cosmosapiens : Human Evolution from the O... Specialist scientific fields are developing at incredibly swift speeds, but…
Maison Kayser’s French Pastry Workshop Master the art of French pastry with step-by-step instructions from…
Development Dilemma : Security, Prosperit... Reassessing the developing world through the lens of Europe’s past…
Climate Wars : What People Will Be Killed... Struggles over drinking water, new outbreaks of mass violence, ethnic…
Shamanic Transformations : True Stories o... Featuring contributions from Sandra Ingerman, Hank Wesselman, Linda Star Wolf…
Soul of the Samurai : Modern Translations... Soul of the Samurai contains modern translations of three classic…
Wild Things, Wild Places : Adventurous Ta... In Wild Things, Wild Places actress, author, and conservationist Jane…
Gut Plan Diet : The Revolutionary Diet fo... The revolutionary new diet that helps you lose weight by…
Expert Political Judgment : How Good Is I... Since its original publication, Expert Political Judgment by New York…