In the Name of Jesus : Reflections on Chr... Ruminates on the problems, and possible solutions, in today’s Christian…
Mystical Life of Jesus : An Uncommon Pers... Bringing a unique perspective on the life of Jesus, the…
Christ : The Experience of Jesus As Lord ... An exhaustive examination of the New Testament, probing the issues…
One Jesus, Many Christs : How Jesus Inspi... Offers the dramatic analysis of the revelation that there was…
Sacred Embrace of Jesus And Mary : The Se... An examination of how the teachings of Jesus reveal the…
Mushroom in Christian Art : The Identity ... “The Mushroom in Christian Art analyzes the prevalence of certain…
Wisdom Jesus : Transforming Heart and Min... Provides a new perspective on Jesus Christ that emphasizes his…
Third Jesus : The Christ We Cannot Ignore Explores three different views of Jesus Christ–the historical Jesus, the…
From Jesus to Christ : The Origins of the... In this exciting book, Paula Fredriksen explains the variety of…