Walking in This World : The Practical Art... The author’s sequel to her successful guide to creativity shows…
Trusting the Moment : Unlocking Your Crea... This valuable handbook presents a treasure trove of insights to…
Art of Practical Spirituality : How to Br... Create an intimate relationship with Spirit. This commonsense guide offers…
Raphael : Communicating With The Archange... A social worker finds sudden relief from a mysterious illness….
Art, Mind, and Brain : A Cognitive Approa... A leading cognitive psychologist discusses how young children learn to…
On Creativity and the Unconscious : The P... Collects the famous psychoanalyst’s essays on creativity and its relation…
Five Star Mind : Games and Exercises to S... Shares exercises and puzzles designed to challenge and stimulate the…
Dark Side of the Light Chasers : Reclaimi... Details how to confront and release darker, selfish impulses and…
Creativity Book : A Year’s Worth of... An expert on the psychological aspect of creativity unveils a…
Catching the Big Fish : Meditation, Consc... A three-time Oscar-nominated filmmaker offers insight into his methods as…