Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge : A... Is Freemasonry nothing more than a harmless brotherhood, a club…
Soaring and Settling : Buddhist Perspecti... Discusses issues related to feminism and Buddhism, covering topics such…
Asian Values and Human Rights : A Confuci... Since the horrific Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, the debate…
Denial of the Soul : Spiritual and Medica... The renowned psychiatrist and theologian provides a critical study of…
Cultivating Compassion : A Buddhist Persp... Drawing on the tenets of Buddhism, a leading Buddhist scholar…
Narcissistic/Borderline Couple : A Psycho... Defining the narcissistic/borderline couple as “individuals who, when they are…
Hypnosis : A Jungian Perspective This work attempts to integrate modern hynotherapy with Jung’s analytic…