2013 : Raising the Earth to the Next Vibr... Moving with ease between cosmic and earthly matters, the author…
Doctrine of Vibration : An Analysis of th... Cutting across distinctions of schools and types, the author explains…
Colors & Numbers : Your Personal Guid... ‚Äö√Ñ√∫Colors and numbers have a lot of significance for us….
Phi bioDOT Personal Vibrational Energy He... A tool designed to rebalance energy from exposure to electronic technology
Phi bioTAG with electroDOT Personal Vibra... A wearable medallion designed to help protect against electro-magnetic frequencies
Phi Lux Vibrational Energy Healing PYRAMID A glass pyramid with a spaceDOT designed to protect against electro-magnetic frequencies
Phi Silver Plated Optimizing PENDANT Pers... A necklace designed to protect the wearer from electro-magnetic frequencies
Phi Sterling Silver Necklace with bioPEND... A handmade, sterling silver necklace designed to protect from electro-magnetic frequencies
Sonia Choquette : Our Sixth Sense and the... This Bodhi Talk is an MP3 file that you can download and listen to on any personal device. We’ll send you a link for download once you’ve completed your purchase. Spiritual Teacher Sonia Choquette on Our Sixth Sense and the “Language of Spirit”
Learning Journey – Spirit Intuitive Being with Jill Willard, Self Love ebook, and the Sixth Sense as our Spirit Language Bodhi Talk The Spirit Learning Journey includes a teaching by Jill Willard, and offers a variety of exercises for deeper engagement; a Bodhi Talk podcast by spiritual teacher Sonia Choquette; and an ebook download exploring Self Love. If you choose to join the Bodhi Collective, we will deduct the cost of this learning journey from your $99 yearly subscription.
Smoky Quartz Generator Crystal The unique structure of this smoky crystal point amplifies its energy and use for calm and healing.