Secrets of Meditation : A Practial Guide ... Demystifies meditation and details the impact the practice can have…
Instant Presence : Allow Natural Meditati... This book is a practical guide to accessing an awakened…
Return Home : Essential Meditation Traini... Whether you‚Äôre a yoga practitioner, a student of mindfulness meditation,…
100 Yoga Activities for Children : Easy-t... Shares one hundred yoga poses that are safe, effective, and…
You Have 4 Minutes to Change Your Life : ... Describes a four-minute meditation practice designed for busy people that…
Heart of Meditation : Discovering Innermo... Now in paperback. His Holiness the Dalai Lama provides intimate…
Secrets of Meditation : A Practical Guide... Demystifies meditation and details the impact the practice can have…
Detox Your Heart : Meditations for Healin... Drawing on her own experiences with abuse and addiction, Valerie…