The First New Moon Solar Eclipse of the Y... Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for December 31, 2018–January 6, 2019…
A Powerful Grand Water Trine Sparks Intui... Your Astrology Forecast for October 28–November 4, 2018 We may…
Attracting Balance and Harmony with Space... So you’ve cleaned your closets and KonMari’d your clutter, but what…
10 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Practice Sel... For decades, I avoided mirrors, deflected compliments, even deleted tagged…
Seven Archetypal Stones : Their Spiritual... “A guide to the mystery teachings of the mineral kingdom…
Reality Overload : The Modern World’... The constant force-feeding of too much information causes a reality…
Sacred Number and the Lords of Time : The... An exploration of sacred geometry, space, and time encoded in…
Soul Friends : The Transforming Power of ... ‚ÄúMost of us will have many friends throughout our lifetimes‚Äîfriends…