Meditation : Seek Serenity Through Self-K... Written by a highly respected yogi, this book explains the…
Power of Now : Meditation Deck World-renowned spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle conveys simple wisdom that transcends…
Passage Meditation : Bringing the Deep Wi... Written by a highly respected teacher who taught meditation for…
Zooburbia : Meditations on the Wild Anima... “Zooburbia reveals the reverence that can be felt in the…
Yoga for Grief and Loss : Poses, Meditati... Looking at the emotional, spiritual and philosophical elements, as well…
With Burning Hearts : A Meditation on the... From mourning to discernment, from invitation to intimacy, and from…
Yoga Deck II : 50 Poses and Meditations f... Like its best-selling companion deck, The Yoga Deck II allows…
MacMillan Book of Earliest Christian Medi... Gathers meditations by Saint Augustine, Dionysius, Saint Ambrose, the desert…
Jesus : A Meditation on His Stories and H... As a storyteller, Jesus often surprised his listeners with unexpected…
Active Meditations for Contemplative Pray... Selections from the author’s previous works guide the reader toward…