Monotheists : Jews, Christians, And Musli... The world’s three great monotheistic religions have spent most of…
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam : The Cl... Compares and contrasts texts from the three religions as they…
Goddess Initiation : A Practical Celtic P... Combining practical exercises with diverse rites and rituals, this month-by-month…
Goddess of India : The 5 Faces of the Ete... Exploring mysteries of gender and biology and shedding light on…
Expulsion Of The Triumphant Beast The itinerant Neoplatonic scholar Giordano Bruno (1548‚Äì1600), one of the…
Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt A guide to Egyptian religion describes the mythology, iconography, and…
China’s Cosmological Prehistory : T... “An examination of the earliest creation traditions and symbols of…
Cathedral Of The Black Madonna : The Drui... Explores the connection between ancient druidic worship of a virgin…
Owl Fetish An owl carved from red jasper, regarded as a guardian of the home, the owl represents wisdom and patience