Einstein’s Unfinished Symphony : Th... An updated classic that recounts the long hunt for Einstein‚Äôs…
Copernican Revolution : Planetary Astrono... The significance of the plurality of the Copernican Revolution is…
Secrets of Ancient America : Archaeoastro... A modern explorer and sacred site expert discusses the presence…
World Archaeoastronomy Selected papers from the 2nd Oxford International Conference on Archaeoastronomy…
Dawn of Astronomy : A Study of Temple Wor... A pioneer in the fields of astrophysics and astro-archeology, J….
Judy Hall’s Stones for Healing Your Hidde... Judy Hall, one of the foremost experts on crystal healing…
Judy Hall on Crystals for Cleansing Karma... Judy Hall, one of the foremost experts on crystal healing…
Universe : Exploring the Astronomical World Explore the stars and planets and beyond through 300 fascinating…
Welcome to the Universe : The Problem Book Here is the essential companion to Welcome to the Universe,…