
A Pleasant Week to Examine Challenges and Desires During Scorpio Season

Published on October 29, 2019

Article by Cathy Coleman for Bodhi Tree

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast October 28-Nov 3

The Sun continues to shine in Scorpio, drawing us into its symbolism of transformation and deep change. Take time out of your demanding life to go deep and ponder your challenges and desires. The beginning of the week is the time to wrap up travel plans and contracts before Mercury goes retrograde on Thursday, October 31, for three weeks.

sweet, upbeat days to enjoy the world around us

Feelings run deep and passionate as the Moon stirs in Scorpio on Monday. Several benefic aspects invite focused work where magic can take place. With the Sun opposite Uranus, expect a day full of surprises.

Tuesday is pleasant, sweet, and easy, highlighted by lunar conjunctions to Venus and Mercury in the morning. The Moon is void of course from 10:34 a.m. to 2:56 p.m. PDT, when it bounces into sunny Sagittarius. Hold meetings early in the day, and attend to routine tasks during the hours the Moon is void.

Enjoy another upbeat day on Wednesday. We may want to wander off and lose ourselves in an art gallery or a walk in the woods. And why not? Sometimes we just need to take time out and explore the world around us. The world looks sunny and bright.

an uncertain thursday and a freedom-loving friday

Mercury makes a station, turning retrograde for the next three weeks on Thursday at 8:42 a.m. PDT. After the Moon makes an optimistic conjunction with Jupiter at 7:29 a.m. PDT, the Moon is void of course all day until 7:38 p.m. PDT. Thursday’s energies make for uncertainty and lack of definition and clarity. Open to the mystery of the day, and be patient with fluctuations and mistakes.

We are upbeat on Friday as we attend to our duties. Venus moves into freedom-loving Sagittarius. Benefic lunar aspects to the Sun and Uranus give vitality and invite us into new spaces.

work hard on saturday and have a social sunday

Saturday is a day for serious hard work. There are numerous aspects, both challenging and benefic, making for an active day.  Lean in and make the most of this day that demands productivity and results.

On Sunday Juno, the asteroid that symbolizes the mate, or partnership, moves into Libra, the sign that symbolizes relationship, for a ten-month stay. The focus is now on partnership and commitment. The Moon is in fixed air sign Aquarius, a day framed for friendship. A Moon-Venus sextile colors the day pleasant and satisfying. A Moon-Uranus square may make for creative, diverse discussion of socio-political ideas among friends.

The Week in Short:

Monday: Work hard, and expect magic to unfold.

Tuesday: Sweet, pleasant day. Moon VoC 10:34 a.m. – 2:56 p.m. PDT.

Wednesday: Upbeat day. Allow yourself some freedom and time for exploration.

Thursday: Mercury goes retrograde until November 20th. Moon is VoC all day 7:29 a.m. – 7:38 p.m. PDT. Hold off on decisions, and be patient with meanderings and mistakes.

Friday: Upbeat day with vitality for accomplishment.

Saturday: Work hard and be productive.

Sunday: Partnership and friendship highlighted. Conversations are diverse in thought.

Published on: October 29, 2019

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