
Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for October 29–November 5, 2017

Published on October 30, 2017

Article by Cathy Coleman for Bodhi Tree

I continue to feel deep gratitude that my home and the central part of my community were spared from the devastating North Bay fires. This harrowing event has made a huge impact on all of us in Northern California. Some of us lost homes, and all of us know someone who did lose their home. Most of us evacuated and faced the reality that our home and community might burn. There are many stories of heroism, and we are grateful to the gods and especially to the firefighters who saved our homes. We are ever more aware that we are all vulnerable to the powerful energies of the universe that destroy through fires, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes and more—and that all give tremendous blessings. We live in a vibrant universe, and the best we can do is to live each day as fully present and conscious as possible.

The Sun continues to shine in the sign of Scorpio tropically (until November 21). This time draws us into deep truths, inner journeys and attention to deep financial concerns that will sustain us.

A strong planetary theme over the next couple of weeks is the Saturn-Uranus trine, closing in exact in a couple of weeks. This alignment calls for new endeavors and structures in your life. You can apply the attention and discipline to change something or to create something new. Use the gift of this positive alignment to make your life more interesting, to enhance your skills, or to work toward a goal. If you have not done so already, set an intention to work on something while this aspect is at its greatest power for the next three weeks.

A Pisces Moon Starts the Week Off with Compassion

Sunday the Moon is Void of Course (VoC) nearly all day. Yield to gardening, reading and connecting with friends. The Moon ingresses into Pisces at 4:46pm PDT, the sign symbolizing compassion, vision and imagination. In the light of the Pisces Moon Sunday evening, relax and watch a movie or the fifth game of the World Series. Soak in a hot bath, go to bed early, and catch some dreams.

Our hearts are wide open on Monday, sprinkling compassion and kindness. We are idealistic and optimistic. It is a day to dream big (Sun and Jupiter trine the Pisces Moon; Moon conjuncts Neptune).

The kindheartedness of yesterday continues into a gentle Tuesday morning. By midday, a lunar square to Saturn demands some discipline, but the exact square brings a VoC Moon that continues through the rest of the day. After 2:08pm PDT, turn your attention to working on routine tasks.

Take Action Toward Goals Midweek

Bolt out of bed on Wednesday and get moving. It’s a dynamic new day. Mars opposing the Aries Moon is best employed with exercise and action toward our goals. Otherwise, we may feel frustrated and lash out at others. Channel frustration and aggression into accomplishment.

Thursday is a mixed, action-packed day that may deliver some punches. Our nerves are jagged by a Saturn-Chiron square that brings us face to face with our flaws and wounds, and the stress of a Venus-Moon opposition. On the other hand, a Saturn-Moon trine gives us reason and resolve to handle whatever comes up. The innovative Moon-Uranus conjunction will give insight and great ideas.

A Taurus Full Moon Ends the Week on a Dramatic Note

A Full Moon in Taurus shines bright, exact at 10:23pm PDT Friday…and 1:23am EDT on Saturday. In the sign of Taurus, the Moon functions at its best, enjoying the pleasures of the senses. This Full Moon is complex. Its ruler, Venus, makes mixed aspects to planets symbolizing new perspectives and change (Venus is quincunx Chiron, sextile to Saturn, and opposite Uranus). This Full Moon is also a Super Moon, meaning that the Moon is in perigee, closest to the Earth. The Full Moon will appear bigger and more exaggerated in the sky (be sure to look), and likewise, we will feel its energy in a more dramatic way. The Sun is in Scorpio, a time to draw inward, shed, let go and transform. The Full Moon in Taurus magnifies these themes. We are called to let go of stuff and what no longer serves us. Venus is opposite Uranus and sextile Saturn, stirring up the themes of love/relationship and money. Attend to whatever is facing you in these arenas with creativity and resolve. Finally, the Taurus Moon also makes a benefic trine to Pluto. This is a powerful aspect that enables you to overcome the challenges before you or push toward your goals.

Daylight Savings Time ends at 2:00am Sunday, bringing more light to our mornings and more darkness to our evenings. Sunday’s Gemini Moon encourages curiosity and communication. Mercury bolts into chatty Sagittarius through December 1, where it has a lot to say—enthusiastically. Fun! While you are drawn to the month of solitude and deep inner experience while the Sun is in Scorpio (October 23–November 21), you are drawn to communicate and chat and share while Mercury is in Sagittarius through December 1. This combination of conversation and solitary self-reflection may lead you to deep insights over the next month.

The Week in Short

Sunday: A take-it-easy day with Moon VoC all day. Relax and watch a movie Sunday evening—or the World Series.

Monday: Spread compassion, kindness and optimism.

Tuesday: Gentle morning, but discipline is demanded today. When the Moon goes VoC at 2:08pm PDT, focus on routine tasks the rest of the day and evening.

Wednesday: Get moving and work toward your goals.

Thursday: Mixed day with anxiety, good problem-solving ability, and insight.

Friday: Full Moon; active, dramatic day. Let go of stuff and whatever holds you back, yearning for security.

Saturday: Delight in pleasuring your senses. Work hard toward your goals.

Sunday: Exciting day of communication and curiosity.

This article was originally published on You may confidentially enter your email address at that site to receive this forecast weekly in your inbox. Contact Cathy for astrological readings/consultations at

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Published on: October 30, 2017

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