
Desert Diamond + Copper + Rose Quartz Mala


A desert diamond, copper and lumerian quartz mala designed to create meaningful connections


Why We Love This

Desert diamond, also known as Herkimer Diamond, is a bright, clear quartz crystal that’s believed to be a powerful conduit of life force energy. Often used during meditation and vision work, this desert diamond is wrapped with copper and strung with the customary 108 beads to make a mala, a traditional Buddhist prayer necklace used for counting repetitions during spiritual practices. Lumerian quartz is used in spiritual healing to restore a sense of interconnection.


Mala beads are used while reciting, chanting, repeating a mantra during a spiritual practice or breathing during meditation. Turn each bead, held between the thumb and forefinger, for every prayer or breath. This keeps the focus on the meaning and/or sound of the mantra rather than being distracted by the need to count. Rose quartz is believed to create meaningful connections with others while lemurian is said to bring a sense of oneness to someone feeling detached. Together these energies can relieve tension and nurture relationships. Though a tool for spiritual practices, wearing this necklace throughout the day can be a reminder of intentions. Note that crystal practitioners use crystals for specific purposes. This information is not intended to diagnose or treat health conditions.

About the Maker

Becoming a self-taught jewelry maker was a natural turn for Natalie Mitchell, who studied textile design at Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles, California before founding Kolored Krowns, a line of jewelry inspired by the individuality of raw crystals as well as the range and depth of their colors. Working with natural gemstones, she creates jewelry as a way to capture what she considers “the mystery of life’s natural energies that remain unseen.” As she adds each bead and ties each knot, she repeats a mantra, infusing the finished necklace with intention.

Additional information

Weight 4.48 oz
Dimensions 36 in


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