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In The Heart of the Buddha, the Tibetan meditation master Ch_gyam Trungpa presents the basic teachings of Buddhism as they relate to everyday life. The book is divided into three parts. In ‰ÛÏPersonal Journey,‰_ the author discusses the open, inquisitive, and good-humored qualities of the ‰ÛÏheart of the Buddha,‰_ an ‰ÛÏenlightened gene‰_ that everyone possesses. In ‰ÛÏStages on the Path,‰_ he presents the three vehicles‰ÛÓHinayana, Mahayana, and Vajrayana‰ÛÓthat carry the Buddhist practitioner toward enlightenment. In ‰ÛÏWorking with Others,‰_ he describes the direct application of Buddhist teachings to topics as varied as relationships, drinking, children, and money.The Heart of the Buddha reflects Trungpa‰_s great appreciation for Western culture and deep understanding of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, which enabled him to teach Westerners in an effective, contemporary way.
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