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‚ÄúYou may lack limbs, but don’t let that define what you can or can’t do.‚Äù ¬† That‚Äôs the life-changing advice Boris Vujicic spoke to his son, Nick, who was born without arms or legs. With the help of his parents, Nick has become an internationally-known inspirational speaker, a best-selling author, the founder of the non-profit organization Life Without Limbs and, most importantly, a loving and responsible husband and father himself. ¬† But Nick‚Äôs journey didn‚Äôt start there. Raising the Perfectly Imperfect Child is the inspiring, powerfully transparent story of how two unprepared and overwhelmed parents‚ÄìBoris and Dushka Vujicic‚Äìovercame their grief, fears, and badly shaken faith to raise such an accomplished, faith-filled, and perfectly imperfect son. ¬† Through their stories, Boris offers practical advice and encouragement for all parents facing a ‚Äúnew normal‚Äù when raising a special needs or unique child. With transparency and tenderness, he addresses the spiritual, emotional, and financial challenges, as well as offering insight on how to equip a child for happiness and success in life. ¬† Your Guide to What Special Needs Kids Need Most: Love, Roots, and Wings ¬†A Special‚ĶRewarding Journey ¬† Told from the perspective of a humble father, who at times questioned God and his own worthiness, this book addresses the unique challenges of raising a special needs child. ¬† Facing a mountain of doubts and debt, the Vujicics feared their son would never be able to get out of bed, let alone receive an education, support himself, or have a family of his own. And they questioned how a loving Father in heaven could have allowed this to happen. ¬† Yet once they gave up their narrow expectations for the perfect child, their imperfect son taught them that there are no limits to what a determined, faith-filled, and unstoppable individual can accomplish with the help of supportive parents and a caring God. ¬† Boris candidly addresses this family‚Äôs journey as Nick becomes aware of‚Äìand overcomes‚Äìthe extent of his disabilities, as well as bullying, despair, and suicidal impulses. Other challenges included the stress a child with a disability put on their marriage and the need to not neglect the needs of their other children. ¬† Overflowing with inspiration and practical advice, Raising the Perfectly Imperfect Child helps everyone understand that they can find the strength to give a child what is needed, despite the challenges faced.¬† And the results include the rewards of a satisfying and joyful spiritual life.
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