
Speaking of Death : What the Bereaved Really Need


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Talking about death and grief has become something of a modern taboo. Most of us would rather avoid the subject altogether because it makes us feel anxious and awkward. When Annie Broadbent’s mum died, one of the hardest parts of her experience was seeing her friends and extended family paralysed by their fear of saying or doing the wrong thing.

We will all be called upon at some point to help a friend or loved one cope with the death of someone they love. Speaking of Death will help you do that. Frustrated and saddened by her own experience, Annie decided to share her story and the stories of others she has met, in order to shed light on the emotions felt by the bereaved and how best to support someone grieving for a loved one. The contributors differ in age, gender and background but all have experienced immediate loss, whether a child, parent, sibling, partner or close friend. Combined with expert advice from key charities, Speaking of Death will help you navigate the common pitfalls, such as choosing appropriate words of comfort, making practical gestures of help, how to react to crying, when to offer a hug and how often to stay in touch.

This moving and enlightening collection of voices from the shores of grief is an invaluable guide that will help anyone wanting to comfort a grieving loved one.

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Weight 6.38 oz



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