
Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for October 8–15, 2017

Published on October 9, 2017

Article by Cathy Coleman for Bodhi Tree

The week ahead seems relatively calm on the cosmic front. However, the planets are always moving and interacting with our horoscopes, so the energy is never static. The big planet Jupiter moves into Scorpio tropically on Tuesday, October 10, for the next year. Market sectors that should do well with Jupiter’s shift into Scorpio include banking and insurance industries, aerospace/defense, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, research, waste management and technology. Jupiter in Scorpio is an invitation for all of us to personally focus on our finances, especially investments, real estate, wills, trusts and debt. Venus will arrive in Libra on Saturday, so finish the focus on tasks to clean and organize your life the next few days.

This week’s blog frames the week through the lens of the Moon’s movement through the zodiacal signs. While the Moon’s movement does not usually create major change, it does influence the energies and actions of each day. Different aspects of our lives are colored by the Moon’s expression each day. If we attend to the Moon’s movement, then over the course of a lunar month we will have brought consciousness and intention to all areas of our lives.

The Week By Moons

The Taurus Moon colors Sunday beautifully, but a tense Venus-Saturn square may put a damper on your day. You may feel uptight about relationship or money issues. The Moon is Void of Course for 12 hours from 6:45am to 6:44pm PDT. Make it a leisurely day attending to routine tasks such as attending to your finances and paying bills. Take a walk in a park; the Taurus Moon loves to touch the earth. The curious, chatty Gemini Moon arrives at 6:44pm PDT. Solidify your weekend by planning the connections and communication that need to be made early in the week.

The Gemini Moon Monday and Tuesday makes for busy, interactive, mercurial days. Your short attention span can be put to good use moving from one task to another as soon as you feel bored or distracted. Allow yourself to go with the fluctuations. Intervening conversations may result in insight and discovery. An edgy Mercury-Pluto square wants to get to the truth and the source of issues, get to a deeper understanding. Tuesday sports a heavy dose of planetary activity, both benefic and challenging. The big planetary news of the day is Jupiter’s shift into Scorpio, where it will be for the next year. This will highlight investments and financial matters, secrets, and things hidden under the surface of appearances. A late afternoon lunar sextile to Uranus may deliver something unexpected, and a Moon-Jupiter trine will make us feel generous and expansive, and that all is well.

The Cancer Moon on Wednesday and Thursday generally fosters a focus on home and family, cooking and comfort. However, an edgy square between Mars and Saturn on Wednesday may thwart our efforts. Don’t push against resistances, but relax into the limitations. You might just bite off some difficult piece of work and see what you can accomplish with patience, diligence and time. Thursday’s powerful planetary energy packs a punch—or several punches, fueled by the Moon’s dynamic aspects to the Sun, Pluto and Uranus. A Mercury-Saturn sextile will help us think through challenges and make wise choices.

The Leo Moon Friday and Saturday calls us out to play. Sprinkle some fun into this last work day of the week, and expect good luck rather than bad on this Friday the 13th. Saturday sparkles with all benefic aspects to the Moon, making for an emotionally satisfying, exuberant day. Get out and create an exciting, colorful Saturday. Venus rolls into Libra, drawing our desires toward art, beauty and sweetness.

The Virgo Moon on Sunday moves us toward the work that needs to be done. Hopefully, you satisfied your weekend’s need for play on Saturday. Now, it’s time to put your task list before you and work toward accomplishing it. You’ll have the wind at your back to put your life in order and clean house before you head into the work week ahead. A Mercury-Uranus opposition may bring a few surprising realizations.

The Week in Short

Sunday: Moon VoC all day. Take a walk in a park, and attend to money and relationship needs.

Monday: Busy, interactive, mercurial day.

Tuesday: Active planetary day. Expect the unexpected. Be generous.

Wednesday: Edgy day when efforts may be thwarted, but patience and diligence will pay off.

Thursday: Powerful, dynamic day. Use the strong energy to take action.

Friday: Make the work day fun, and enjoy the evening!

Saturday: Sparkling, exuberant day to play.

Sunday: Work day! Put your task list before you and give it the works.

This article was originally published on You may confidentially enter your email address at that site to receive this forecast weekly in your inbox. Contact Cathy for astrological readings/consultations at

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Published on: October 9, 2017

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