
A Powerful Moment to Shed the Old & Define New Goals 

Published on January 6, 2020

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast January 6 -12, 2020

The week ahead is weighty with significant planetary activity.  Six planets plus the South Node are in Capricorn: Mercury, Sun, Jupiter, Ceres, Saturn, and Pluto. A Lunar Eclipse occurs on Friday, January 10th, and in addition to the eclipse that day, Uranus turns direct after a five-month retrograde spin. Sunday is the big planetary event we have all been anticipating:  the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. Not only is that conjunction a significant one, as it only happens every 35 years, but this conjunction is also conjunct the Sun, Mercury, and Ceres. Capricorn symbolizes structures, government, and rules; structural change is in process through the workings of the strong collective energy in Capricorn. Capricorn symbolizes industriousness, responsibility, goals, and achievement. If ever there was a time to prune what is unnecessary or outdated, and set goals and work hard to achieve them, that time is now.

conversation, community and connection to start the week

The Moon is void of course all day Monday. This week’s meetings will work better if they are on not on Monday. The Moon moves into Gemini at 6:12 p.m. PST, just in time for lively dinner conversations.

Although specific planetary activity is light on Tuesday, the Saturn-Pluto conjunction is only a few days away and this week is anything but light. The Gemini Moon keeps us curious and in conversation.

Jupiter conjoins the South Node on Wednesday, shining light on old patterns and karmic issues that could be uplifted. A benefic Mercury-Neptune aspect gives vision and compassion. The Moon in Gemini draws us into community and connection. We want to learn or discover something new.

the cozy cancer moon encounters an intensity of planetary oppositions

Early Thursday the Moon arrives in the soft-shelled sign of the crab, Cancer. The Moon is at home in its ruling sign of Cancer, and we want to wrap ourselves in comfort. However, over the next two days the Cancer Moon will encounter oppositions from the barrage of planets in Capricorn, and the intensity will continue to heat up. Be buoyed by the Moon-Jupiter opposition in the afternoon, as you may need this to deal with tomorrow’s heavy planetary activity.

A Moon-Neptune trine early Friday morning invites us gently and compassionately into this big day. A Sun-Mercury conjunction brings sharp focus before the lunar eclipse. The Moon opposes Mercury, Ceres, Saturn, and Pluto. Pam Younghans states in The Mountain Astrologer (Dec 2019/Jan. 2020): “Eris…and Uranus…come to a standstill; completing their retrograde phases. For these two rebellious and often belligerent planets to reach their station on the same day, on the very day of the eclipse and two days before the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, adds several exclamation points to the intensity and unpredictability of these times.”

a fun saturday and a powerful sunday full of planetary alignment

The Moon leaps into Leo on Saturday and fires up our hearts. Lunar trines to Chiron and Mars foster healing through initiating and taking risks. Plan something vigorous and fun.

Sunday is the day of the major planetary event: Saturn conjunct Pluto, as well as the Sun, Ceres, and Mercury—five planets conjunct at 22 degrees of Capricorn! Those born January 10-14, and April 10-14, July 10-14, and October 10-14 will particularly be influenced by this conjunction. The planets are in extremely strong alignment. Be focused, set strong intentions, and lean into your plans and goals. It is also time to throw out structures in your life that no longer serve you.

The Week in Short:

Monday: Moon VoC all day until 6:10 p.m. PST. Plan meetings for a different day this week. Evening invites conversation.

Tuesday: Somewhat easy day; curiosity and conversation are encouraged.

Wednesday: Light shines on old patterns to be shifted. Compassion abounds for community and connection.

Thursday: Wrap yourself in comfort and allow your spirits to be buoyed in preparation for the strong planetary winds ahead.

Friday: Extreme planetary weather: Lunar eclipse. Eris and Uranus turn stationary direct and their rambunctious, rebellious energy is amplified. Be alert and mindful as you travel the stormy terrain.

Saturday: Lighten up and plan something vigorous and fun.

Sunday: The day is here: Saturn, Pluto, Sun, Ceres, and Mercury align in conjunction. Extremely powerful energy. Throw out old structures and patterns that no longer work in your life. Lean in and be productive.

Published on: January 6, 2020

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