
The First Full Moon of 2018 Brings Transformation

Published on December 31, 2017

Article by Cathy Coleman for Bodhi Tree

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for December 31, 2017 – January 7, 2018

Welcome to 2018! The New Year rings in bold and bright in the light of a Full Moon. Uranus turns direct on Tuesday, January 2, after a five-month retrograde spin, releasing energy for innovation and independence, and a big leap forward. Sun and Saturn have just marched into Capricorn, joining Venus and Pluto in this cardinal, action-oriented, earth sign. This power pack of planets in Capricorn holds us accountable on practical matters. Mars is marching toward a conjunction with Jupiter on Saturday, a combo that encourages risk taking and bold expansion. Consider how to declutter and simplify your life. Consider how the power of limits can give you more time and energy for what is most important. How can you break free of stuck patterns?

The last day of 2017, New Year’s Eve Sunday, boasts an opportune sextile to the Moon from Uranus. The snap, crackle and pop of New Year’s Eve is symbolized by the planetary energies. Aligning with the planets, it’s a day to celebrate simply, perhaps at home. We can expect a few surprising conversations. The Gemini Moon is void of course from 3:38pm PST until just after midnight, 0:10am PST, on Monday.

A Full Moon in Cancer Begins the New Year

Monday, the first day of 2018, glows with an auspicious Full Moon (Moon in Cancer, Sun in Capricorn), anchored in the responsibility and mastery of the four planets in cardinal earth Capricorn: Saturn, Venus, Sun and Pluto. The Cancer Moon forms a Grand Water Trine with Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces. Our feelings and intuition can offer guidance, and we have the ability to go with the flow of life. Another powerful formation is that of a kite, formed from the combination of the Full Moon and the Grand Trine, with Mars/Jupiter and Neptune in sextile aspect to the Sun. The kite pattern symbolizes metamorphosis and transformation. Sextiles are opportunities; Grand Trines offer flow and ease. Yet, the opposition in the Full Moon gives challenge and calls for attending to the business of work and family. All together this configuration connects you with the stars. A high wind fills your sails. How will you use it to move your life forward, this New Year’s Day and this year ahead? Powerful insights are available with this Full Moon if we open our hearts and invite pathways to change.

Uranus stations direct on Tuesday after a five-month backward spin. Just after the Full Moon, this shift brings breakthroughs and change. In addition, the Moon opposes Pluto and squares Uranus, a powerful, turbulent energy that may create challenge and upset, but may also result in tremendous solutions for good. But wait, there’s more (as if these powerful alignments are not already enough). Ceres squares Jupiter, exaggerating our emotional needs and calling for nourishment. Mars squares the Moon’s nodes, and the Sun sextiles Neptune, giving vision and compassion. There are so many bold, dynamic energies at play that it’s difficult to predict how this day will play out. And the stationary Uranus brings the element of surprise! This could be a very interesting day. Use this potent energy wisely to imagine a magnificent year ahead. The Moon is void of course (VoC) for a long period from 2:46pm to 11:22pm, so during this time focus on routine tasks and refrain from anything requiring a decision.

The Moon lightly lifts into Leo, the sign symbolizing play, on Wednesday through Thursday. The heavy, challenging energy of the past few days is dissipated. An opportune Venus-Neptune sextile gives sparkle and delight, vision and compassion.

Thursday is buoyed by lunar trines to Mercury and Uranus, but frustrated by hard aspects between Mars and Saturn. The benefic fire trines may offer innovative, clever solutions to long-standing problems and challenges of the day.

Productive Energy Rules the Weekend

The Virgo Moon signals a time for clean-up on Friday and Saturday. If you haven’t put away your holiday decorations and paraphernalia, now is the time to do it. An industrious Moon-Saturn trine Friday morning encourages taking care of business. A Neptune-Moon opposition in the evening softens the focus, and indicates that after a productive day of hard work, it is time to relax. Eat a healthy dinner and enjoy a movie.

Saturday is an extremely active day full of aspects—and potential. The Moon continues to shine in industrious Virgo. Six benefic aspects color the day with ease and flow. A Mercury-Uranus trine offers insight and brilliant solutions. Mars is exactly conjunct Jupiter, a buoyant, expansive aspect that has been building all week. Make the most of this high-energy, productive day that is crowned with exuberance and ingenuity. 

Sunday is a much quieter day on the cosmic front, but it is colored by an edgy Moon-Saturn square, challenging us to consider work-life balance. Although we’re ready for a day of rest, we will feel the call of work to be done. At the end of the day, enjoy a lovely, leisurely dinner with those you love. Look back on this first week of the New Year and marvel at your revelations, breakthroughs, and accomplishments.

The Week in Short

Sunday: Sober New Year’s Eve, with some surprising conversations. Usher in a new year of responsibility, decluttering and upgrading.

Monday: Auspicious New Year’s Day! Full Moon offers insight, metamorphosis and transformation.

Tuesday: Uranus direct! Numerous dynamic energies at play. Expect surprises and open to change. Moon VoC 2:46pm–11:22pm PST.

Wednesday: Uplifting, sparkling, delightful day!

Thursday: Buoyant day. Innovative solutions available to solve long-standing problems.

Friday: Industrious day for work and clean-up. Relax in the evening over a healthy dinner.

Saturday: High energy, productive day, crowned with brilliance and insight.

Sunday: Consider work-life balance; attend to responsibilities, but enjoy a relaxing, beautiful dinner in the evening.

This article was originally published on You may confidentially enter your email address at that site to receive this forecast weekly in your inbox. Contact Cathy for astrological readings/consultations at

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Published on: December 31, 2017

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