
This Week, Major Planetary Alignments Bring Creativity, Action and Meaningful Change

Published on December 18, 2017

Article by Cathy Coleman for Bodhi Tree

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for December 17–24, 2017

There are several significant planetary events this week: The New Moon on December 17/18, Saturn’s ingress into Capricorn on December 19, the Winter Solstice when the Sun ingresses into Capricorn on December 21, and Mercury turning direct on December 22. The expansive Jupiter-Neptune trine lingers, though loosely, giving vision, possibility and idealism. These days before the Winter Solstice glow with possibility, as the Sun and Saturn form a benefic trine with Uranus and Pallas Athena. You can open up to new creative endeavors and manifest change. Listen to your intuition. The planetary alignments are strong. They support hard work, compassion and generosity. In the spirit of the season, share your bounty with friends and with those less fortunate, and make the most of this week with significant planetary alignments.

The New Moon in Sagittarius Starts the Week Off Right

The week begins with the glow of a New Moon in Sagittarius, exact at 10:30pm Saturday evening PST, or 1:30am Sunday EST. Sunday is a splendid astral day! The Moon aligns with the Sun at the Galactic Center, and also conjuncts Mercury, Venus and Saturn. There are five planets in sunny, optimistic Sagittarius! The Sun, Moon and Saturn are near the powerful galactic center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Some say that planets at these degrees symbolize truth-telling. Uranus is trine this New Moon/Saturn, making a powerful alignment for exploring creative, new ideas and thinking about far-reaching goals for 2018. This is a golden day for new beginnings and big leaps forward. If you have been thinking about more education, this is a time to plan it. Are there hobbies, new fields of endeavor or avocation you have contemplated broaching? Where would you like to travel and explore new territory and cultures? How can you uplift your spiritual life? How can you expand the cultural diversity in your life?

Monday continues to shine with the brilliant glow of the New Moon’s alignments. Saturn’s conjunction with the Sun and Moon, and an opportune lunar sextile to Mars make Monday a day of determination and action. Get moving on your goals for this new lunar month, and finish your holiday preparations.

Powerful, capable, creative and inspiring are adjectives for Tuesday’s energies and potential. The hardworking Capricorn Moon makes opportunistic sextiles to Neptune and Jupiter. After two and a half years in Sagittarius, Saturn ingresses into Capricorn, the sign it rules, where it is serious, hardworking and high-functioning the next two and a half years. If there are matters and habits in your life that you want to change, this is an excellent day to make a commitment to change them—and to get started. This is a day to move mountains.

Wednesday is a day to pause and focus on routine tasks while the Moon is void of course (VoC) for a long day from 7:37am through 6:29pm PST. However, expect the unexpected, as Uranus trines Venus. You could be surprised by the re-connection of an old friend, or you could initiate the rekindling of a friendship. From Wednesday evening (when the Moon goes into Aquarius at 6:29) through Friday is a period tailored for friendship.

It’s Time to Celebrate the Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice is Thursday, when the Sun ingresses into Capricorn. This is the darkest day of the year, and the beginning of winter in the northern hemisphere. Saturn exactly conjuncts the Sun at 0 degrees of Capricorn. I bolded this note, as this alignment is extremely significant. The Winter Solstice marks the beginning of a new year. Astrologer Rio Olesky, in a lecture on 2018 to the San Francisco NCGR group December 16, said that the Winter Solstice should be considered the beginning of a new year rather than January 1, as it marks the darkest day of the year and the beginning of increasing light. The fact that Saturn’s ingress into Capricorn is conjunct the Sun on this day is unusual and extremely significant. The tone of the season dramatically shifts from the exuberant glow of Sagittarius, to the taciturn, serious nature of Capricorn. This winter season calls for maturity, self-discipline and achievement through hard work. It would be wise to amend or alter your routine to afford yourself time for forward-oriented, quiet contemplation. Celebrate the solstice, and the alignment with Saturn, in a reflective, meaningful way.

Mercury turns direct on Friday. Communication should start to clear over the next couple of weeks; but, at this time when the planet is stationary, its strong, shifting energies can result in mix-ups and mistakes. Therefore, continue to be patient with problems. Jupiter and Uranus aspect the Moon, so be open to the mystery of the day, and expect a few astonishing ideas to manifest.

Saturday’s colors are beautiful…light and easy. The Moon is in sweet Pisces and makes facile, flowing aspects to Venus, Saturn and the Sun. This is the Saturday before Christmas, likely full of celebration with friends and family. Be inspired and share your glow with the world around you.

Sunday, Christmas Eve, is an energetic day full of mixed aspects, both flowing and challenging. The Pisces Moon is idealistically compassionate and generous. Use this care and compassion of the Pisces Moon to give time and/or money to those in need as a holiday gesture of kindness. This would be a good day to write out your year-end checks for organizations whose missions serve your soul. Christmas Day’s energies are edgy, so center yourself on Sunday in love and compassion.

The Week in Short

Sunday: Golden day! New Moon in Sagittarius. How do you want to uplift your life?

Monday: Fueled by determination and commitment, and a love for work, get going on your goals.

Tuesday: Powerful, creative, hard-working day. You can move mountains. Saturn into Capricorn.

Wednesday: VoC Moon all day. Focus on getting routine tasks done.

Thursday: Winter Solstice, beginning of winter. Sun into Capricorn.

Friday: Mercury turns direct. Expect a few surprises.

Saturday: Easy, compassionate day of the heart. Give generously to others.

Sunday: Mixed day, full of energy.

This article was originally published on You may confidentially enter your email address at that site to receive this forecast weekly in your inbox. Contact Cathy for astrological readings/consultations at

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Published on: December 18, 2017

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