Astrology A Mars-Uranus Conjunction Brings Extremely Tense Energy This Week Published on February 11, 2019 Article by Cathy Coleman for Bodhi Tree Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for February 11–17, 2019 This week’s highlight is a Mars-Uranus conjunction, exact on February 12. The Mars-Uranus aspect can be reckless, so go slowly and cautiously, but it can also be exciting, inventive and invigorating. Put the energies to work on a constructive, innovative project that requires a lot of energy. You can activate this energy consciously in various small ways. For example, try a new exercise; take a new route or method of transportation to work; explore something new in your community, start a home improvement project; or learn more about astrology. If you know where this conjunction falls in your horoscope (what house holds the sign of Aries), then activate the symbolism of that house. All things sensual are highlighted on Monday and Tuesday with the Moon in Taurus. Make your home a little more visually pleasing. Water and nourish your plants, and grace your space with beautiful flowers. We are inspired on Monday by the Moon’s benefic aspects to Venus and Neptune. Continue to exercise caution, as Mars is nearing an exact conjunction to Uranus, perfecting on Tuesday, which can make us erratic and impulsive, but also determined and creative. Brace Yourself for Tuesday’s Mars-Uranus Conjunction Late on Tuesday Mars exactly conjuncts Uranus at the anaretic degree of 29 Aries. The anaretic, or last degree, of any sign is a sensitive degree point. There is often too much or too little of the energy and symbolism. Mars-Uranus can be reckless and explosive. Move carefully, and with extra consciousness. At the same time, this energy can help us push through stuck patterns. Make space for big change. On Wednesday the Moon is in Gemini, generating chatter and curiosity. Wednesday belongs to Mercury, the messenger god. Open up, communicate and connect. Mars Enters Taurus Toward Week’s End Thursday, Valentine’s Day, Mars enters fixed earth sign Taurus tropically, where it will reside for the next six weeks. Mars ushers in a six-week period when we can finish what is already in motion before we embark on any new projects. Patient, plodding, diligent work will bring results. The Moon is in its comfortable ruling sign of Cancer on Friday, making benefic aspects to Uranus, Mars and Mercury. Be compassionate and caring, and spend sweet time with loved ones. Challenging Energy Casts a Shadow Over the Weekend In contrast to Friday, Saturday contains some challenging energy. The sensitive Cancer Moon opposes Saturn in the morning, and Pluto in the evening. These aspects push us to deal with insecurities and responsibilities. They are demanding and unforgiving. Be on your toes, meet your responsibilities, and do your best. The Moon bounces into fun, fixed fire Leo early Sunday morning, ushering in a day of fun. However, the fun could be spoiled by conflict generated by the Moon’s edgy square to Mars and Uranus. If things get tense, find a creative, playful way to change the energy. The Week in Short Monday: Inspiring, creative day. Tuesday: Mars and Uranus conjunct at the sensitive last degree of Aries. Go slowly, carefully and consciously, as this is an extremely dynamic energy. Wednesday: Communicate and be curious. Thursday: Plodding forward will bring results. Friday: Spend time with family. Saturday: Do your best in the face of challenge and adversity. Sunday: Make this a fun day, and if tension mounts, find a playful way to divert it. New to astrology? Read Astrology for Beginners: All About Your Sun Signs. Published on: February 11, 2019 Tags: energy, horoscope, lunar, Mars, moon, planets, sun, Uranus, zodiac Previous Journal Astrology A New Moon in Aquarius Brings Career-Life Balance into Focus Next Journal Astrology Astrology for Beginners: Use Your Venus Sign to Find Your Ideal Match