
A New Moon in Aquarius Brings Career-Life Balance into Focus

Published on February 3, 2019

Article by Cathy Coleman for Bodhi Tree

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for February 4–10, 2019

How did the dynamic energy of the Mars-Pluto square this past week empower you, or move you out of a rut? Mars is now marching forward toward Uranus in late Aries, where it will make an exact conjunction on February 12. The Mars-Uranus aspect can be reckless, so go slowly and cautiously. Also the Mars-Uranus conjunction is creative and inventive. Put the energies to work on a constructive, innovative project that requires a lot of energy. The week begins with a New Moon in Aquarius tropically on Monday, which ushers in the Chinese New Year of the Earth Pig that officially is Tuesday, February 5. The New Moon in Aquarius invites us to reset our friendships and group endeavors, and to be bold and inventive.

A New Moon in Freedom-Loving Aquarius Starts the Week

Monday, February 4, sports a New Moon in Aquarius at 15:45 degrees. The Sabian symbol associated with this degree is “A big businessman at his desk.” This degree symbolizes the need for organization and to make sure that you have the space and the tools to successfully do your work. Your desk needs to be in order, and your work space must enable you to have a strong command of your work. If you’ve been pondering how to create a more empowering work environment, this New Moon would be the time to set that in motion. This New Moon Sabian symbol also invites us to think about how happy we are in our career, and how we feel about our career-life balance. Monday’s New Moon encourages us to think about how we can improve our work spaces and our overall work life.

Tuesday, February 5, is the Chinese New Year of the Earth Pig or Boar. In Chinese culture, this signals a time for cleaning house, gathering with family and friends, and giving gifts of money in red envelopes. The Chinese New Year is a celebration of life and an opportunity to raise vibrations to a higher level. The Earth Pig year is one for personal advancement. This year, we should try using our free time to make ourselves better any way that we can. The year of the Pig is highly conducive to learning new skills, and calls us to be kind in our interaction with others. With Mars (in Aries) sextile to the Moon, we want to get up and get going with a good workout. Expect something different in your routine, thanks to the Moon sextile Uranus. The Moon moves into Pisces tropically at 6:02pm PST. Settle in and watch a movie, and then drift into dreamland.

Wednesday could be an easy day. The Moon shines in sweet, compassionate Pisces and makes no exact aspects. Allow your imagination to soar. Take a hot bath and plan to get to bed early to get a great night’s sleep.

Lucky Energy Abounds Midweek

In contrast to Wednesday, Thursday is loaded with aspects and resulting activity. Jueves, Jupiter’s Day (Thursday), is a lucky day (Moon sextile Jupiter). Mercury sextiles Mars, energizing thoughts and conversations. The Moon is Void of Course (VoC) from 2:13pm PST all through the evening; suspend expectations for making connections and things requiring decisions after the Moon becomes void.

Friday the Moon bounces into cardinal fire Aries at 6:34am PST. Lean in and get a lot accomplished. An unsettling Moon-Venus square aspect may make us socially uneasy and discontent on Friday evening. Be conscious about what you say.

Expect Challenges and Charged Energy Over the Weekend

Saturday is an active, fiery day full of challenges and blessings. Mars squares the Moon’s nodes in Cancer and Capricorn, bringing out the challenge of balancing work and family life. Mercury sextiles Uranus, symbolizing freedom of thought and brilliant ideas. We are reminded of our responsibilities and limitations (Moon square Saturn). A brilliant Mercury-Uranus sextile can help us generate new ideas and solutions, and the day ends with a benefic aspect between the Moon and Jupiter, making us feel that anything is possible.

Sunday is a highly charged, active day. The Aries Moon first makes an edgy square aspect to Pluto and then conjuncts Mars and Uranus. These energies could lead us into spontaneous decisions that may produce unexpected results. Exercise caution in your actions. After a two-hour VoC Moon period (3:48–5:28pm PST), the Moon moves into easy earth sign Taurus. Cook and enjoy a nourishing dinner, and get grounded and ready for the week ahead.

The Week in Short

Monday: New Moon in Aquarius. New beginnings in the sign of freedom. Put your office in good order.

Tuesday: Chinese New Year of the Pig. Get up and get moving! Expect something different. Clean house, gather with family and friends, and celebrate.

Wednesday: Settle for an easy day, and allow your imagination to soar.

Thursday: Active, lucky day. Moon VoC after 2:13pm PST, signaling time to suspend activities requiring connections or decisions.

Friday: You can get a lot accomplished, but may feel discontented. Be careful about what you say so as not to create unnecessary conflict.

Saturday: Active, challenging day, but full of great ideas and solutions.

Sunday: Highly charged, active, edgy day to get a lot accomplished. Ease into an easy evening and plan the week ahead.

For powerful New Moon intention-setting rituals, read Moon Rituals for Release and Renewal and 3 New Moon Rituals for Manifesting Love, Abundance and Wellness.

Published on: February 3, 2019

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