
The Week is Primed for Risk Taking and Bold Expansion

Published on January 8, 2018

Article by Cathy Coleman for Bodhi Tree

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for January 7–14, 2018

Did the New Year ring in bold and bright for you? Uranus turned direct on Tuesday, January 2, after a five-month retrograde spin, releasing energy for innovation and independence, and a big leap forward. Sun and Saturn have just marched into Capricorn, joining Venus and Pluto in this cardinal, action-oriented earth sign. This power pack of planets in Capricorn gives focus and drive for accomplishment. Mars made an exact conjunction with Jupiter yesterday, a combo that encourages risk taking and bold expansion. Energy is at hand to clean house, simplify your life, and take big, bold steps forward.

This Year, Take Advantage of Earth and Water Signs to Build a Strong Foundation

This whole year is full of benefic aspects due to four slow-moving planets being in earth and water signs: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto. Uranus joins them in June when it ingresses into earth sign Taurus. This month, Mars is in water sign Scorpio nearly all month. The Sun, Mercury and Venus are in earth sign Capricorn, each for about three weeks. This is a lot of mud (earth and water), which also molds into clay from which come beautiful pieces of pottery, or concrete, which forms the foundation for building structures. Sextiles are opportunities. We can do nothing and our lives will generally go well. Yet, we should all take advantage of the benefic energy to boost ourselves into warp drive toward better futures. Think of the potential of making beautiful, useful pottery out of clay and water. Maybe it is time to sign up for a pottery class—or to start building the foundation for a new home or business.

Sunday is a much quieter day on the cosmic front than the exuberant Saturday it follows, but it is colored by an edgy Moon-Saturn square, challenging us to consider work-life balance. Although we’re ready for a day of rest, we will feel the call of work to be done. At the end of the day, enjoy a lovely, leisurely dinner with those you love. Look back on this first week of the New Year and marvel at your revelations, breakthroughs and accomplishments.

Opportunity Knocks Early in the Week

Monday is a buoyant day packed with opportunity, made possible by three benefic Scorpio-Capricorn sextiles: Sun/Jupiter, Venus/Jupiter and Mars/Pluto. At the same time, the Libra Moon makes three edgy squares that push and challenge us. Use the dynamic energy of this day to get things moving during this second week of our new year. Any project that begins Monday will have a strong start.

The Moon is void of course (VoC) Tuesday morning until 12:05pm PST, so stick to routine tasks before 12:05, when the Moon dives deep into Scorpio. Again, there are a lot aspects, with four more sextiles. Tuesday offers another day of cosmic support for numerous possibilities.

Take Time for Self-Reflection Midweek

Wednesday’s alignments foster self-reflection. Deep feelings are stirred when the Moon is in Scorpio, and support for deep inner exploration is appreciated. Otherwise, it is a quiet day, with Mercury moving into earth sign Capricorn in the evening.

After yet more benefic sextiles during the night set the stage for good energy and possibilities, the Scorpio Moon will be VoC for 17 hours—the entire day and evening (6:53am–11:04pm) on Thursday. This is a day to focus on routine tasks such as doing a winter garden clean-up or putting away holiday decorations, or simply reading a book. This is not a day for appointments or making purchases, or anything requiring a decision.

The Weekend Energy Brings Focus and Determination

From Friday through mid-day Sunday, the Moon is in sunny Sagittarius, helping to lift the heavy load of planetary energy in serious and somber Capricorn. Mercury is conjunct Saturn on Friday, raising doubts and concerns. The glass may appear to be half empty, and the evening’s Moon-Neptune square will make things cloudy. However, the Mercury-Saturn conjunction can provide tremendous focus, and with the drive of the optimistic Moon, much can be accomplished. Forge ahead in the face of any self-doubt. This may be one of those days to remember the ironic adage, “When you think long, you think wrong.”

Independence is Saturday’s theme song with the Moon in freedom-loving Sagittarius, and with Venus square Uranus. There may be disruptions in relationships. Take some time and space alone.

Sunday morning the Moon is VoC (again), so enjoy a leisurely Sunday breakfast and the reading of the Sunday paper. Then, at 11:42am PST, the Moon ingresses into Capricorn, and the rest of the day is for getting some serious work done, and for planning the month ahead. The Moon is dark, heralding a New Moon on Tuesday at 25 degrees Capricorn, so you will want to draw inward, finish projects and use more time alone. The Sun squares Uranus, so expect some surprise events even while you drill down on the work. The weekend finishes strongly with the determination of a Moon-Saturn conjunction. Reflect on the possibilities and opportunities that emerged in your life the past week.

The Week in Short

Sunday: Consider work-life balance; attend to responsibilities, but enjoy a relaxing, beautiful dinner in the evening.

Monday: Buoyant day packed with possibility; new projects get a strong start.

Tuesday: VoC Moon until 12:05pm PST. Then the day bursts forth with numerous possibilities.

Wednesday: Quiet day for deep reflection.

Thursday: Moon VoC all day, from 6:53am–11:04pm PST. Stick to routine tasks and clean up.

Friday: Focus and optimism abound with the Moon in sunny Sagittarius.

Saturday: Take time and space for yourself.

Sunday: Enjoy a leisurely morning while the Moon is void. After 11:42am PST, drill down on work and get a lot accomplished. Expect surprises and disruptions.

This article was originally published on You may confidentially enter your email address at that site to receive this forecast weekly in your inbox. Contact Cathy for astrological readings/consultations at

Published on: January 8, 2018

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