
Volatility Runs High This Week with the New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse

Published on July 9, 2018

Article by Cathy Coleman for Bodhi Tree

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for July 8–15, 2018

A Solar Eclipse, the first of three eclipses, occurs on July 13, to be followed by a Lunar Eclipse July 27, and another Solar Eclipse August 11. Mars is conjunct the South Node, indicating a potent, volatile time, especially as retrograde Mars is out-of-bounds in declination. Use this strong energy to get lots of exercise and to make things happen, but watch your temper and stay cool.

Jupiter turns direct on Tuesday, after a four-month retrograde period. We can now move forward with big ideas and projects. Make the most of the next two weeks before Mercury turns retrograde on July 25.

The Week Begins with Easy-Breezy Energy

Sunday is a soft, dreamy day, as the Sun trines Neptune. The planetary alignments invite a day at the beach, an afternoon watching movies or a meditative walk in nature. When the Moon makes a benefic trine to powerful Pluto early Sunday evening, it’s time to get organized and plot the week ahead.

Monday is a day of mixed energy. The Moon moves into Gemini tropically at 9:58am PDT. We may feel stretched with a feeling of too much to do as a result of Mercury-square-Jupiter. We can feel scattered by the curious, gregarious Gemini Moon. A contradiction is Venus’ move into Virgo for the next few weeks until August 8, where it desires simplicity, order and attention to detail. Gemini has a short attention span, so allow yourself to flow with Monday’s offerings and possibilities.

Move Forward with Big Projects as Jupiter Turns Direct

After a four-month retrograde spin, Jupiter is stationary, moving forward on Tuesday. When planets are stationary, their symbolism is amplified. Jupiter symbolizes expansion, opportunity, travel and positivity. We are optimistic and idealistic. We can now move forward with ideas and projects. Make hay while the Sun shines for the next two weeks before Mercury goes retrograde on July 25.

Venus makes a benefic trine to Uranus on Wednesday in earth signs Taurus and Virgo, opening up new possibilities for romance as well as new perspectives on values and preferences. We may want to make some changes with spending habits. The Moon is in Cancer, opposing Saturn, drawing us toward work and responsibility, and also a focus on home and family.

Midweek Heats Up with a Partial Solar Eclipse + New Moon in Cancer

The first of three consecutive eclipses—a partial Solar Eclipse—forms on Thursday with a New Moon at 20:41 degrees of Cancer, exactly opposite powerful Pluto. The South Node conjuncts Mars, a fiery-hot combination. However, Neptune and Jupiter make benefic trines to the eclipse, giving vision and hope. Take it easy and keep it simple on this significant, potentially transformative day.

The playful Leo Moon is welcome on Friday after the intensity of the eclipse. Venus trines Saturn, bringing sensibility and practicality to purchases and financial matters. This Venus-Saturn trine is also useful for ironing out interpersonal issues.

Saturday is framed for play. Use the creative Moon-Mercury conjunction to think up some new flavors of fun, and make it a pleasurable, relaxing day.

Sunday morning will be off to a slow start with the Moon Void of Course (VoC) until 10:31am PDT when the Moon moves into Virgo. This Virgo Moon forms a Grand Earth Trine to Saturn and Uranus, creating a productive, fortunate stage for weekend chores and tasks that need to be completed, with a few surprises possibly in the mix. Organization and efficiency come easy, so use this energy to get ready for the week ahead.

The Week in Short

Sunday: Easy, dreamy, pleasurable day. Efficiently plan the week ahead.

Monday: Mixed energies offer opportunities and challenges. Be curious and conversational. Venus into Virgo.

Tuesday: Jupiter stationary direct. The day is expansive and full of possibilities.

Wednesday: Attend to work and responsibilities. Surprises in romance.

Thursday: Partial Solar Eclipse at 20:41 degrees of Cancer. Powerful day filled with vision and hope. Keep it simple.

Friday: Sensible, practical day for attending to financial matters. Relationship issues can be worked out.

Saturday: Relax and have a fun, enjoyable day.

Sunday: Productive day for the efficient fulfillment of tasks and chores.

Looking for a New Moon ritual? Read astrologer Danielle Beinstein’s Moon Rituals for Release and Renewal.

Check out our favorite books on the magic of the lunar cycle

Published on: July 9, 2018

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