Astrology A Powerful New Moon in Taurus Brings Productivity and Accomplishment Published on May 14, 2018 Article by Cathy Coleman for Bodhi Tree Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for May 13–20, 2018 The week ahead is demanding, just like last week. This week demands that we apply ourselves with focus and hard work to get a lot accomplished. Mercury and Uranus are conjunct, exact on Sunday, May 13. Mercury and Uranus together are a brilliant, creative combination. Mars and Pluto, symbolizing power and focus, are still conjunct, though Mars continues to pull farther away from Pluto and march toward an exact square to Uranus, also on Sunday, May 13. On Tuesday, the New Moon is in Taurus, the zodiac sign most closely associated with planet Earth. Climate change and geological issues of the planet will be highlighted in the coming cycle. The Start of the Week is Primed to Set Intentions Sunday, Mother’s Day, is a demanding day that sizzles with action and surprises. Mercury and Uranus are exactly conjunct, a brilliant, creative alignment that can result in innovations and new solutions. The Moon joins the conjunction party midday, adding to the excitement. The Moon is darkening, just before the New Moon early Tuesday morning. At this time in the lunar cycle, we want to draw inward and finish open projects in preparation for a new cycle that begins early in the week. The exalted, high-functioning Taurus Moon supports productivity and accomplishment on Monday. Jupiter’s opposition to the Moon may make us feel overextended, but it can help us set intentions and reach to achieve them. Lunar trines to Saturn and Pluto bookend the day, providing grounding and the drive to get things accomplished. The Moon is dark, just before the New Moon tomorrow, so seize the day and get some things completed before the new lunar cycle. Get Ready for Powerful Cosmic Events Midweek Tuesday is an extraordinary day of notable cosmic events. The New Moon (when Sun and Moon are conjunct) in Taurus at 24 degrees makes a benefic trine in earth signs to Mars and Pluto in Capricorn. This is a powerful combination, making it possible to get a big jump-start on a new project or two. Uranus makes its debut into Taurus, beginning a new cycle that is likely to shake the ground and the status quo over the next seven years. Mars ingresses into Aquarius, energizing themes of nonconformity and independent action. Mars and Uranus are in a testy square aspect, sure to stir up a bit of rebellion. Venus is out of bounds May 5–June 7, symbolically meaning that the feminine is unbound and wild. Venus is conjunct Pallas Athene in Gemini. In the next month, we may see a strengthened expression of the unleashed voice of women. This New Moon is incredibly powerful and full of creative potential. Make it count! The creative, explosive Mars-Uranus conjunction is Wednesday’s highlight, exact at 0:03am PDT. The Moon is in Gemini, activating curiosity, conversation and social engagement. We are likely to encounter several surprises this week as this intense, rebellious, game-changing Mars-Uranus square continues within two degrees all week. Go slowly and carefully and be open to new opportunities and life-changing possibilities. Three Feminine Planets in Gemini Bring Rebellious Energy Toward the End of the Week The Gemini Moon is conjunct both Venus and Pallas Athena on Thursday. Pallas Athena is the asteroid that symbolizes justice, strategy, creative intelligence and wisdom. She is the goddess of arts and crafts, in service of a more civilized society. In the words of Demetra George in her book Asteroid Goddesses (1986): “Pallas Athena … in the horoscope … describes one’s capacities for inspired vision, intuition, curiosity, genius and exceptional perception.” The combination of these three feminine planets, Moon, Venus and Pallas Athena in Gemini are in a benefic sextile to rebellious, independent Uranus. We want to strike out freely and change the world. This extraordinary triplicity will give rise to women’s voices speaking out on issues of social justice. How do you want to unleash and express the feminine voice within you more fully and freely? There is a brief 3 1/2-hour void Moon from 11:18am to 2:47pm PDT before the Moon enters Cancer. The evening calls us to home, family and comfort. Friday is another active day in the cosmos. Mercury squares the nodes, calling us to think carefully about what we say that could create more separation or connection. A Moon-Saturn opposition demands attention to duties and responsibilities and can enable us to get a lot accomplished. The Cancer Moon forms a benefic grand trine in water signs with Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. This beautiful alignment inspires compassion, creativity and imagination. Friday, Viernes, is Venus’ Day. The Weekend Brings Mixed, Testy Energy Energies are mixed on Saturday, rumbling with dynamism, shifts, possibilities and surprises. The Cancer Moon forms a T-square to Pluto and Uranus, stirring powerful feelings and moving us toward action and change. Venus ingresses into Cancer, highlighting our emotional needs and drawing us toward home and family matters. After a brief two-hour void Moon period Saturday afternoon, the Moon enters fiery Leo at 4:11pm PDT, forming another rumbling T-square with Mars and Uranus. Expect the unexpected on Saturday during this powerful, active day. Although we may want Sunday to be a day of rest after this dynamic week, the day is filled with challenging, irritable, testy fixed squares (Moon-Mercury, Moon-Jupiter, and Venus-Chiron) that will not allow complacency or ease. There may be some relief with the Sun moving into mutable, air sign Gemini, energy which allows us to rise above difficulties and see some humor in the drama. Square aspects challenge us to move—physically and with specific projects. The Sun ingresses into Gemini, ushering in a new solar month symbolizing communication, connection and community. The Week in Short Sunday: Brilliant, creative day that sizzles with action and surprises. Think twice about what you want to say before saying it. Monday: Productive day with drive to get things accomplished and finished before the New Moon cycle tomorrow. Tuesday: Extraordinary day of noteworthy cosmic events. Uranus enters Taurus. A New Moon makes it possible to take a big leap forward. Mars enters independent Aquarius. Take a big leap forward and expect the unexpected. Wednesday: Explosive, game-changing day. Go slow. Be careful and be open to new possibilities and opportunities. Thursday: Unleash the feminine voice within you. Do something creative and rebellious. Moon VoC 11:18am–2:47pm PDT. The evening calls for comfort (Cancer Moon). Friday: Attend to responsibility and get a lot accomplished. A water Grand Trine inspires compassion and imagination. Saturday: Mixed day with powerful, dynamic, creative energies. Expect the unexpected. Sunday: Challenging, testy day. Not a day of rest and ease. Be playful. Sun into Gemini. Looking for more ways to align yourself with cosmic energy? Check out our Bodhi Talks given by authors, healers, philosophers, teachers and scientists at the original Bodhi Tree Bookstore. Explore now! Published on: May 14, 2018 Tags: astrology, energy, forecast, horoscope, new moon, planets, sun, women, zodiac Previous Journal Astrology Moon Rituals for Release and Renewal Next Journal Body, Mind & Spirit Crystal Healing in a High-Tech World