
A Powerful Grand Water Trine Sparks Intuitive Development & Emotional Stability

Published on October 29, 2018

Article by Cathy Coleman for Bodhi Tree

Your Astrology Forecast for October 28–November 4, 2018

We may experience more social unrest this week with Uranus square to the Moon’s nodes. The bomb threats to key liberal political figures is symbolized by this planetary configuration. Current stock market volatility is another expression of the Full Moon’s fixed Grand Cross pattern with Uranus involved. Venus retrograde moves back into Libra on Wednesday for a month-long stay in that cardinal air sign that Venus rules. Venus will turn direct on November 16. For the next two weeks, continue to review and revise finances as well as express your artistic abilities. At the end of the week, we fall back into regular time from daylight savings time, where we’ll have more light in the morning, less in the evening. This shift in the day’s light is a signal to draw inward. Get more sleep. Nourish yourself and take more time for solitude and renewal.

The Week Begins with Promise Thanks to a Grand Water Trine

The Moon is void of course most of the day on Sunday, until 4:27pm PDT. This is a good day for a short excursion in your neighborhood to explore something new, or to continue to work on your backlog of email and correspondence. Make it a leisurely, pleasant Sunday. At 4:27pm PDT, the Moon goes into Cancer tropically. Cook some delicious comfort food for dinner and cozy up with family for a satisfying end to the weekend.

Monday bursts with hope. A Mercury-Jupiter conjunction trines Chiron, enabling us to use our words in beneficial ways that are a soothing salve for wounds or inadequacies. Adding to the glory are lunar trines in water signs (Moon in Cancer, Neptune in Pisces, Sun in Scorpio). Engage in a productive start to the workweek, blessed with an abundance of good feelings.

Mixed aspects and energies color action-packed Tuesday. A Grand Water Trine enables a positive flow of emotions and ample intuition to make good decisions, even if somewhat rattled by lunar squares to Uranus and Venus. The Moon bounces into confident, courageous Leo in the evening at 7:42pm PDT.

Expect Playful Energy Midweek

Wednesday is a playful, creative day—perfect for Halloween. Expect extraordinary costumes from your trick-or-treaters, and dress up in one yourself. Venus retrograde moves back into Libra at 12:42pm PDT for a month-long stay, turning direct on November 16. Venus’ backward spin in its ruling sign—also with the Sun in Scorpio—invites a tune-up of your finances. There may be some surprises in relationships. If so, work with the issues skillfully.

Thursday is another day of mixed energies. You may overreach and overdo, but if so, enjoy the ride. You may also make some surprising discoveries. Overall this is a joyful, creative, generative day.

A Virgo Moon Offers Industrious Energy for the Weekend

Put your life in order on Friday and Saturday, as the Moon is in efficient, take-care-of-things Virgo. This industrious energy for clean-up is further abetted by a productive lunar trine to Saturn on Friday, and a powerful lunar trine to Pluto on Saturday. Clean your house, tend to details and make your life more organized.

After you push through the demands of a Moon-Saturn square early on Sunday, you can take it easy in the light of a lovely Libra Moon. Daylight savings time ends at 2:00am on Sunday, giving us an extra hour in this day. Roll back your clocks one hour (unless, of course, you live in one of those places that never adjusts its time). This is a perfect day to curl up with a good book in the afternoon and celebrate your beloved with an elegant dinner.

Your Week in Short

Sunday: Moon VoC until 4:27pm PDT. Continue to work on communication and email, or take a short excursion. Enjoy a nourishing dinner with family in the evening, and prepare for a productive work week ahead.

Monday: Glorious start to a productive work week. Good feelings are well supported.

Tuesday: Action-packed day with good emotional flow.

Wednesday: Halloween. Playful, creative day. Surprises in relationships.

Thursday: Joyful, creative, generative day. Expect the unexpected.

Friday: Put your awesome life in order.

Saturday: Harness the industrious energy to organize your life.

Sunday: Stroll through an art gallery or beautiful garden, and spend time with your beloved.

Sunday: Meet the serious work demands of the day.

Peruse our favorite books on the magic of the lunar cycle and all things astrology

Published on: October 29, 2018

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