Astrology The Cosmos Bring Volatility, Positivity & Release This Week Published on September 17, 2018 Article by Cathy Coleman for Bodhi Tree Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for September 16–23, 2018 The Sun shines in Virgo tropically for one more week. From a sidereal/Vedic perspective the Sun continues in Virgo until October 17. During this time, you can access Virgo’s grounded earth energy to get your life in order, organize your house, revitalize your exercise regimen and clean up your diet. Virgo likes to keep the body, mind and spirit lean, clean and efficient. Saturn and Vesta are conjunct in Capricorn. Vesta is the goddess of the hearth; she symbolizes the person who dutifully takes care of the home and practical matters. Saturn and Vesta together in Saturn’s hardworking ruling sign of Capricorn symbolize strong energy for duty, responsibility and getting things done. We can effectively move forward with our work projects and meet our demands. Earth Signs to the Rescue Thank goodness for the practical energy of the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Vesta, Pluto and Uranus in earth signs to keep us grounded, as the week ahead is another volatile one. Venus is still opposite Uranus and square the Moon’s nodes, though it is moving on, lessening the intensity. However, Mars is conjunct the south Node exactly this week, and Mars and Uranus make their third and final square, and Venus is still in the mix. Again, as last week, this combination is dynamic, testy, shaky and dangerous, so move through your week carefully and with attention and caution. Slow down, think twice and do not take risks. However, this volatile energy can moves things forward and can also be creative. This week holds the last influence of the Jupiter-Neptune trine, as Jupiter is pulling ahead and dissipating the energy of the aspect. Still, you can catch a last bit of its uplifting, visionary energy. The profound, grounded earth Saturn-Uranus trine (Uranus in Taurus trine Saturn in Capricorn) still holds, keeping us tethered to commitments and solving problems creatively. An arc of sextiles still exists: Neptune in Pisces, Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Scorpio, and Mercury in Virgo, giving opportunities. Take advantage of this plethora of positive energy! Wednesday and Friday the Moon is Void of Course (VoC) most of the day, so plan accordingly. During these times, attend to routine, inconsequential tasks, and avoid meetings or situations calling for connections and decisions. From a Vedic/sidereal perspective Venus is in its ruling sign of Libra from September 1 through early January, due to its retrograde motion. Venus in Libra Venus brings harmony, happiness, and good fortune with relationships and finances. The next four months are blessed by this dignified Venus. The Week Begins with Expansive Energy We are full of expansive ideas on this sunny Sunday. Make the most of this buoyant day. Expand your mind by reading something new that carries you into another world— geographically or philosophically. Get prepared for the week ahead in the afternoon, as the Moon goes VoC at 4:15pm PDT and it will be more difficult to make definitive decisions after this time. Relax in the evening and do something fun (board games with the family?). The energy shifts on Monday, and the week ahead will be demanding. Step into a strong workday on Monday, with the Moon conjunct Saturn in hardworking, driven earth sign Capricorn. The Moon-Saturn conjunction makes a benefic trine to Uranus. We could expect something surprising, electric and unique in our work. In the evening, the Moon forms a benefic trine to Pallas Athena, highlighting independence and the arts. Caution: Volatility and Tension Erupt Early in the Week “Earthshaking” may describe Tuesday, which holds the third and final exact volatile Mars-Uranus square. In addition, the Moon conjuncts Pluto, heightening the intensity. Lunar sextiles to Neptune and Jupiter will help ease the tension. This is a day for hard work and stepping into your power. However, be cautious and don’t take risks. The Mars-Uranus square can be super creative as well as destructive. Put your energies into fresh, energetic expressions. The Moon is Voc most of Wednesday (10:10am–4:52pm PDT), so turn your attention to inconsequential tasks, and avoid meetings, shopping or matters requiring decisions. Aftershocks of yesterday’s earthshaking intensity are sparked by the Moon’s conjunction with Mars, which is square to Uranus. At 4:52pm PDT, the Moon enters Aquarius tropically, where it resides through Friday evening. We are drawn to attend to our diverse friends and groups on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Again on Friday the Moon is VoC almost all day, from 10:13am through Saturday at 5:27am PDT. Mercury moves into air sign Libra tropically, but remains in Virgo from a sidereal perspective, where it is in its dignity, or especially high functioning, Mars is exactly conjunct the South Node—an explosive combination. Take it easy and keep things simple. Relax with the Autumn Equinox This Weekend Saturday is the Autumnal Equinox, when the Sun enters the sign of Libra tropically. Day and night are in equal balance. A Pisces Moon makes a benefic sextile to Saturn and Uranus. The Moon trines Venus. Although we are still in the throes of the volatility of the Mars/South Node conjunction that is square to Uranus, these blessed sextiles and trines soften the day, and may bring some grace and ease to any tension. Chiron in Aires opposes the early Libra Sun, bringing a focus to heal our wounds and relationships. Sunday morning may be somber yet inspired with a Mercury-Saturn square and the sweet and sensitive Pisces Moon conjunct visionary Neptune. The evening is stoked with benefic aspects (Moon sextile Pluto, Mercury trine Mars, and Moon trine Jupiter). With these positive aspects as the backdrop, we can reach for the stars and touch the divine. Write poetry from your expanded heart. Monday the Moon is VoC all day until 4:04pm PDT, so lower your expectations for getting the week off to a strong and definitive start until the Moon moves into Aries then at 4:04pm PDT. A few hours later, at 7:04pm PDT, the Moon perfects with the Sun into a Full Moon. The Full Moon is bright and strong and combines into a tight T-square (Moon is conjunct Chiron, Sun is conjunct Mercury and Ceres, and Saturn and Vesta square both luminary combinations), in cardinal, action-oriented signs. Tensions can be fought off with well-considered words and by honoring rules and protocols. The Week in Short Sunday: Buoyant day for expanding your mind. Monday: Demanding work day, with an element of surprise. Tuesday: Earthshaking, intense day. Step into your power and work hard. Wednesday: Moon VoC 10:20am–4:52pm PDT. Another volatile, intense day. Thursday: Spend time with a group of friends. Friday: Moon VoC 10:13am through Saturday at 5:27am PDT. Another volatile, intense day. Keep things simple and go carefully. Saturday: Autumnal Equinox. Another intense, volatile day. Keep things simple and invoke grace and ease. Sunday: Somber yet inspired morning. Reach for the stars and touch the divine. Monday: Full Moon! Moon VoC all day until 4:04 pm PDT. Consider your words and honor protocol. Read our other astrology articles here. Peruse our book lists on the magic of the lunar cycle and astrology. Published on: September 17, 2018 Tags: astrology, cosmos, energy, forecast, full moon, horoscope, planets, positivity, release, volatility, zodiac Previous Journal Body, Mind & Spirit Why Journaling Will Make You More Creative Next Journal Body, Mind & Spirit 4 Rituals for the Autumn Equinox