
A Supercharged Full Moon in Aries Brings Radical Awareness, Change & Release

Published on September 24, 2018

Article by Cathy Coleman for Bodhi Tree

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for September 23–30, 2018

The Autumn Equinox on Saturday, September 22, ushered in the Sun in Libra tropically. The Libra Sun symbolizes relationships, balance, harmony, art and beauty.

There is a great deal of void Moon time this week, occurring all day Monday, Wednesday, Sunday and Friday evening, so plan accordingly. During these times when the Moon is Void of Course (VoC), attend to routine, inconsequential tasks, and don’t waste your time on meetings or situations calling for connections and decisions.

This week’s big event is Pluto turning direct in motion on Sunday, September 30, after a five-month retrograde spin. It will remain direct until April 23, 2019. We can now move forward with change and transformation. With Pluto moving direct, it will be interesting to watch big stories such as the sexual misconduct hearings of the Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

From a Vedic/sidereal perspective, Venus is in its ruling sign of Libra from September 1 through early January due to its retrograde motion. Venus in Libra brings harmony, happiness and good fortune with relationships and finances. The next four months are blessed by this dignified Venus.

The Workweek Begins with a Full Moon in Fiery Aries

Sunday morning may be somber yet inspired with a Mercury-Saturn square and the sweet and sensitive Pisces Moon conjunct visionary Neptune. The evening is stoked with benefic aspects (Moon sextile Pluto, Mercury trine Mars, and Moon trine Jupiter). With these positive aspects as the backdrop, we can reach for the stars and touch the divine. Write poetry from your expanded heart.

Monday the Moon is VoC all day until 4:04pm PDT, so lower your expectations for getting the week off to a strong and definitive start on Monday. At 4:04pm PDT, the Moon moves into Aries, and then things begin to pick up. A few hours later, at 7:04pm PDT, the Moon perfects with the Sun into a Full Moon. The Full Moon is bright and strong, and combines into a tight T-square (Moon is conjunct Chiron, Sun is conjunct Mercury and Ceres, and Saturn and Vesta square both luminary combinations), in cardinal, action-oriented signs. Tensions can be fought off with well-considered words, and by honoring rules and protocols.

Tuesday and Wednesday the Moon moves through Aries, spurring us on in spontaneous, adventurous endeavors. The main cosmic event of the day on Tuesday is Sun square Saturn, calling us to duty and responsibility. Wednesday the Moon is VoC all day until just after midnight. After an early-morning Moon-Pluto square, there are no other aspects; thus, it’s a quiet day on the cosmic front. This is not a day for meetings or definitive actions. Stick to routine, insignificant tasks, but in the light of the Saturn-Sun square, a lot could still be accomplished.

Challenging Energy Appears Toward the Week’s End

Just after midnight early Thursday morning, the Moon moves into its exaltation in earth sign Taurus, where it functions at its best. The Moon joins Uranus in the early hours of the morning; we may be so excited that we can’t sleep. The usually peaceful, easygoing Taurus Moon opposes Venus and squares Mars, though in contrast it makes a benefic trine to Saturn. The aspects are jagged and challenging. The Sun makes a benefic trine to Mars, generating a lot of energy for action, yet we have to contend with the challenging aspects to the Moon. The day’s mixed aspects encourage us to lean in to our work, and get a lot accomplished. However, we will need to navigate complications and obstacles to progress. A Mercury-Ceres conjunction gives energy for kind words and diplomacy, a gift that graces the day no matter what else is happening.

The workweek ends with an empowering tone. On Friday, the Taurus Moon makes a benefic trine to powerful Pluto, ever more powerful as it is slow in motion, preparing to turn direct on Sunday. Lean in to your work, and you can get a lot accomplished. Emotions are amplified by an opposition from Jupiter, exact at 3:36pm PDT, when the Moon goes VoC. Wind up your work then, and settle into a relaxing evening. Dinner out at a lovely restaurant with excellent food and copacetic company would please the Taurus Moon.

Pluto Turns Direct this Weekend

The Moon jumps into curious Gemini early Saturday morning, and forms a benefic grand trine with the Sun and Mars. The planetary alignments support short excursions to explore something new. We will want to connect and converse, especially with siblings and relatives.

Sunday’s big event is Pluto turning direct in motion after five months in retrograde motion, since April 23. When a planet stations to turn direction, its energy is amplified. In Pluto’s case, this energy is powerful change and transformation. Sunday is the last day of the month, aligned with this big planetary shift in motion. Pluto goes direct at 18:45 Capricorn, and will march forward until April 23, 2019, when it will next retrograde at 23:09 Capricorn. The Moon is VoC all day Sunday, from 8:38am through Monday morning. Stay focused on routine tasks.

The Week in Short

Sunday: Somber yet inspired morning. Reach for the stars and touch the divine.

Monday: Full Moon! Moon VoC all day until 4:04pm PDT. Consider your words and honor protocol.

Tuesday: Be spontaneous and adventurous, but heed responsibilities and duties.

Wednesday: Moon VoC all day. Focus on routine tasks, and avoid meetings and anything requiring significant decisions.

Thursday: Lean into your work, but be prepared to deal with obstacles and complications.

Friday: Powerful day to get a lot accomplished. After 3:36pm PDT wind down, and enjoy a sensual evening with good company.

Saturday: Give in to your curiosity and take a short trip to a new place.

Sunday: Pluto stations turning direct. Powerful day, but Moon is VoC all day, so stay focused on routine tasks.

Explore a Full-Moon Releasing Ritual

Learn 4 Intention-Setting Rituals for the Autumn Equinox.

Peruse our favorite books on the magic of the lunar cycle and all things astrology

Published on: September 24, 2018

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