
Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for October 22–29, 2017

Published on October 23, 2017

Article by Cathy Coleman for Bodhi Tree

A strong planetary theme over the next month is the Saturn-Uranus trine, closing in exact in a couple of weeks. This alignment calls for new endeavors and structures in your life. You can apply the attention and discipline to change something or create something new. Use the gift of this positive alignment to make your life more interesting, to enhance your skills, or to work toward a goal. Set an intention to work on something while this aspect is at its greatest power for the month ahead.

One major theme of the week ahead is to address relationships openly and honestly. Mars, the planet symbolizing aggression and conflict, moves into Libra tropically, the sign of relationships, helping us to temper aggressive tendencies with grace and harmony. Venus squares Pluto, exact on Friday, calling for the deepening, strengthening and transformation of relationships. Venus squares Juno, planets of love and marriage/partnership, calling us to address issues so that we can move forward with clarity, a strong sense of self-worth and greater commitment.

The Week Starts with a Sagittarius Moon

The Moon bounces into sunny Sagittarius early Sunday morning. Time to get up and move! Go for a vigorous hike in nature. Mars ingresses into Libra for the next three weeks where it tends to agitate relationships, but may bring conflict to the surface to address for the better. The Sun moves into Scorpio, marking the beginning of a month to draw inward and anchor emotions, deepen partnerships and invigorate your finances.

Optimism and lofty ideals lead the week on Monday morning with the light of the visionary, big-picture Sagittarius Moon. By evening, we are honing in on the practical steps to ground our aims and goals. A Tuesday morning Moon-Saturn conjunction may help us get up and out the door early. This is followed by a sparkling Moon-Uranus trine that may add some magic to the day. The Moon is Void of Course (VoC) nearly all day from 9:44am until 5:12pm PDT. During this time, it is best to focus on routine tasks and activities not requiring definition or decision. This is the only day this week that is not good for meetings. However, at 5:12pm the energy shifts with the arrival of the action-oriented, earthy Capricorn Moon. Mercury makes a benefic trine to Neptune, lifting our imagination into realms of non-ordinary reality.

Powerful Energy Abounds Midweek

Wednesday and Thursday are powerful, productive days when a lot of practical things can be accomplished. Give these days your best effort and plan to be pleasantly surprised. Thursday is even more power-packed than Wednesday, as it is buoyed by a Sun-Jupiter conjunction and a Moon-Pluto conjunction. Allow yourself to experiment and use this dynamic, productive energy to get a lot accomplished.

Thursday and Friday are, days when the planets are aligned to support tremendous growth. Initial public offerings of stock (IPOs) these days could grow into what Grace Morris [of Astro Economics] refers to as “monster stocks.” In addition to businesses begun during these two days, other endeavors could also grow and thrive over time. Jupiter is conjunct the Sun, symbolizing expansion. Venus squares Pluto exactly on Friday, amplifying the themes of relationship and finances. At the same time, the Moon is in Aquarius, the sign symbolizing friendship and intellectual brilliance. Friday evening is framed for engaging conversations with a group of friends.

Focus on Friends this Weekend

Saturday is another friendly day, buoyed by a sweet lunar trine to Venus in the morning. The Aquarius Moon symbolizes diversity and concern about humanity. This is a day to engage with others, explore and discover or invent something new.

Sunday the Moon is VoC nearly all day. Yield to gardening, reading and connecting with friends. The Moon ingresses into Pisces at 4:46pm PDT, the sign symbolizing compassion, vision and imagination. In the light of the Pisces Moon Sunday evening, relax and watch a movie. Soak in a hot bath, go to bed early, and catch some dreams.

The Week in Short

Sunday: Sunny, optimistic day framed for adventure. Sun into Scorpio.

Monday: Aim high and get moving. Take practical steps toward your goals.

Tuesday: Both magic and self-discipline are ingredients in this day’s potential. Moon VoC from 9:44am–5:12pm PDT, so focus on routine tasks rather than meetings or decision making.

Wednesday: Practical, industrious day.

Thursday: Expansive, power-packed, productive day.

Friday: Relationships and finances are highlighted. Gather with friends.

Saturday: Friendly day to explore and discover.

Sunday: A take-it-easy day with Moon VoC all day. Relax and watch a movie Sunday evening.

This article was originally published on You may confidentially enter your email address at that site to receive this forecast weekly in your inbox. Contact Cathy for astrological readings/consultations at

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Published on: October 23, 2017

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