
Motivation and Optimism Will Help to Accomplish the Impossible This Week

Published on July 22, 2019

Article by Cathy Coleman for Bodhi Tree


Tensions run high again this week with Saturn and the South Node conjunct, and close to Pluto.  A benefic Mars-Jupiter trine lightens the load by infusing us with motivation and optimism. Fueled by the Mars-Jupiter aspect, a lot of work that seemed impossible can be accomplished. Mercury continues retrograde until July 31, and backs into Cancer on Friday, July 19th. Now is the time to re-think, re-work, revise, and re-do. As the Mercury retrograde period is prone to communication mix-ups, be patient, kind, and forgiving if you are caught in confusion.

The week gets off to a bright start

A fiery Aries Moon provides a bold, fresh start Monday morning, framing the week for action. Adding to the fire, the Sun moves into Leo later in the day. Life looks sunny and bright, in spite of the rocky, tight South Node-Saturn conjunction. Get the week off to a roaring, courageous beginning.

Now that Saturn, Pluto, and the South Node are conjunct, each time they make a hard aspect with the Cardinal Moon (Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn) or other planets a lot of friction is created. This happens about once a week when this alignment, that is tight through November, is magnified. Tuesday is one of those days when Saturn, Pluto, and the South Node make edgy squares to the Aries Moon. We can feel blocked and frustrated. A warm Ceres-Sun trine helps us feel nurtured in spite of irritations. Slow down, keep cool, and exercise patience with the day’s contentions.

Wednesday morning’s ride is bumpy, and the Moon is void of course until 2:42 p.m. PDT when things start to smooth out under the exalted Taurus Moon. Relax into all things sensual Wednesday evening—good food, good scents, and good music. Feast on beauty.

The week ends with a grounding Taurus Moon

Thursday overall is a solid, pleasant day in the light of the exalted Taurus Moon. An early morning Moon-Uranus conjunction may create an unexpected start to the day. A Mars-Jupiter trine, in fire signs Leo and Sagittarius respectively, infuses the day with motivation, passion, and possibility. Saturn’s trine to the Taurus Moon Thursday evening grounds us and helps us see how to use our time, energy, and resources wisely.

We are fueled for good, strong work on Friday by an early morning Moon-Pluto trine. Given that the Moon and Pluto are in earth signs we will be able to get a lot accomplished. The exalted Taurus Moon makes benefic aspects with Neptune, Venus, and Mercury, coloring the day with beauty, ease, and kind communication. This day holds many gifts so make some good things happen.

The weekend involves a short getaway

The Moon is in curious Gemini on Saturday and Sunday. The Sun and Moon are in harmonious aspect on Saturday. Venus moves into playful, creative Leo. Enjoy conversation, connection, and learning something new. Gemini loves short trips, so plan at least one on Saturday or Sunday.

The Moon makes strong benefic aspects to Jupiter and Mars on Sunday, giving vision and energy. Yet, the Moon is void of course, so stick to routine tasks. Write, and catch up on email. Call your siblings.

The Week in Short

Monday: Sunny, bright day. Allow yourself to be fired up, and get moving on a new week open to possibility.

Tuesday: Keep cool, and exercise patience with the day’s contentions.

Wednesday: Edgy morning with Moon VoC until 2:42 PM PDT, and then things begin to smooth out under the sensual Taurus Moon. Enjoy a beautiful and tasty dinner.

Thursday: Overall pleasant day infused with optimism and motivation.

Friday: Strong work day to get a lot accomplished.

Saturday: Take a short trip and enjoy conversation and connection.

Sunday: Moon VoC all day. Stick to routine, insignificant tasks. Communicate with siblings.

Published on: July 22, 2019

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