$20.00 $4.00
Incense logs made from a blend of four fragrant herbs including Ayahuasca
Through the ritual of lighting incense, we connect with ancient ceremonial traditions while enjoying the scent from the smoke itself. that’s especially true with this mix of four plant ingredients, inspired by the same blend used to make ayahuasca, an ancient and powerful sacramental drink and detoxifying brew.
Many cultures throughout history have burned fragrant materials as offerings to spirits and to purify homes and sacred places for religious ceremonies. The ayahuasca scent is ìentheogenic,î meaning “generating the divine within.” In ancient times, the ayahuasca blend was brewed as a drink meant for detoxifying cleansing and emotional release. As incense, ayahuasca fills a room with an earthy and pure fragrance. Incausa incense is made from raw materials and does not contain toxic carcinogens. What’s more, this variety incorporates offscourings, the dregs usually thrown back to the soil. The sticks burn slowly and can be used many times over. Beautifully packaged in paper handmade in Nepal, the set includes nine logs.
Handcraft traditions, ceremonial rituals and social consciousness are at the heart of Brooklyn-based Incausa. As founder Vinicius Vieira de Vieira puts it, the company is dedicated to the practice of “sacred trade” óusing profits from the sales of incense and meditation tools to support craftsmanship and heritage in Nepal and Brazil, Vieira de Vieira’s home country. What started as a sidewalk-table venture has grown into a multinational grassroots organization committed to fair-trade practices that support indigenous artistry.
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