Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa : The Life-Story and Teaching of the Greatest Poet-Saint Ever to Appear in the History of Buddhism


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Tibetans accord The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa a classic status comparable to that of the Mahabharata and the Bible, and revere its author as probably the best single exemplar of the religious life. Milarepa was an eleventh-century Buddhist poet and saint, a cotton-clad yogi who avoided the scholarly institutions of his time and wandered from village to village, teaching enlightenment and the path to Buddhahood through his spontaneously composed songs.
With titles like “The Salvation of the Dead,” “A Woman’s Role in the Dharma,” and “Challenge from a Wise Demoness,” Milarepa’s poems are filled with fascinating tales of miraculous encounters and colorful imagery, and present a valuable insight into the living quality of Tibetan Buddhism.

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Weight 41.58 oz



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