
Yoga Morality : Ancient Teachings at a Time of Global Crisis


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Yoga practitioner and author Feuerstein, who prefers walks in the outdoors to indoor exercise and is most interested in the philosophical and spiritual aspects of Yoga, introduces the moral aspects of Yoga spirituality and seeks to show its relevance to a time of global crisis of war, economic inequality, and environmental degradation. Rather than limit himself, as other “better informed Westerners” discussing Yoga have, to Patanjali’s classical eightfold path and its five moral disciplines as found in the Yoga-Sutra, he draws on literature from across the Yogic traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism stretching back as far as the Vedic traditions and reaching forward to such modern thinkers as Mohandas “Mahatma” Gandhi and Sri Aurobindo. Feuerstein is the author of over 30 books, including The Philosophy of Classical Yoga and The Yoga Tradition. Annotation ¬¨¬©2007 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

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