
Use Mercury in Retrograde to Finish Projects This Week

Published on March 11, 2019

Article by Cathy Coleman for Bodhi Tree

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for March 11–17, 2019

Mercury continues retrograde through March 29 in its sign of debilitation, Pisces. In Pisces, Mercury is weak, prone to confusing communication. Check written communication twice, as we are more prone to mistakes. If appointments get confused, be generous and understanding and double-check your agreements and appointment dates and times.

Mechanical things, including automobiles, appliances and technology, are more prone to breaking down. However, it’s a good time to clean up old email and finish projects, rather than starting new things. This Mercury-retrograde-in-Pisces period may be especially challenging. Use this retrograde period to review, reconsider, revise and re-do.

Begin Your Week with Productivity and Energy

Monday is colored by an exalted Taurus Moon. All things sensual are highlighted—things that please the ears, eyes, taste buds and touch. A benefic Mars-Neptune sextile encourages philanthropy. Do a charitable act, giving gifts of time, talent or money.

Monday is an inspiring, energetic, productive day. Make the most of this day’s opportunistic energies.

After a slow, undefined start early Tuesday morning, activities of the day move swiftly after the Moon enters Gemini at 8:48 a.m. This is a day for making phone calls, answering email and communicating. We can multitask and attend to a flurry of work tasks with relative ease.

Mid-Week is a Time for Connection and New Ideas

Curiosity, connection and communication are Wednesday’s themes with the Moon in Gemini again. The Sun forms a benefic aspect to Pluto, encouraging us to push forward with our projects. A challenging Sun-Jupiter square may show us that we are trying to do too much. Yet, we dream of expansive possibilities.

Thursday is chock full of planetary activity, most notably a benefic Mars-Saturn trine that provides grounding and determination for leaning into our work and getting a lot accomplished. The Moon is void of course for a long period of time from 5:31 a.m. through 2:49 p.m. PDT when the Moon moves into Cancer tropically. During this void Moon time, stick to routine tasks and don’t waste your time on meetings and things requiring decisions and connections. A Moon-Uranus sextile makes it possible to break out of limiting habits and ineffective ways of doing things. Activate the energy by taking a new route home or stopping to do something out of the ordinary in the afternoon or evening hours. A Sun-Mercury conjunction brings clear thinking.

We may be overwhelmed with ideas and possibilities on Friday, thanks to a Mercury-Jupiter square. A Moon-Neptune trine gives vision and fuels the imagination; in contrast, a Moon-Saturn opposition sets limits. This is a day when possibilities, limitation and mastery combine to help us create something solid and inspiring. The Cancer Moon highlights the importance of the comfort of home and family. Settle into a cozy evening at home.

The Moon Moves into Leo—Time to Celebrate!

Saturday begins with determination to get a lot accomplished and to dig deep. A benefic Mercury-Pluto sextile helps us probe challenges at a deep level. It’s a good day for pondering problems—and solving them. The Moon is void of course all afternoon from 11:03 a.m. through 5:57 p.m. PDT. If you have weekend shopping and errands to do, get them done early before the Moon goes void. Reserve the afternoon for routine household tasks, though you could tackle a big household goal. At 5:57 p.m. PDT, the Moon moves boldly into Leo and it’s time to celebrate. Put on your dancing shoes and dance the night away.

Sunday, St. Patrick’s Day, is set for celebration. Put on your green clothing and make merry. Enjoy a St. Patrick’s Day parade or gather with friends for an Irish holiday feast. Conversation is energized and engaging.

The Week in Short

Monday: Inspiring, engaged, productive day.
Tuesday: You can accomplish a flurry of things, especially having to do with communication. This is a day for multitasking.
Wednesday: While you may feel overextended, give your work an extra push. Communicate, connect and converse.
Thursday: We are grounded and determined to accomplish a lot of work, even though the Moon is VoC from 5:31 a.m. through 2:49 p.m. PDT. Focus on routine tasks.
Friday: You can create or accomplish something that is both visionary and practical. Settle into a cozy evening at home.
Saturday: Ponder problems and solve them. Moon VoC for a long period from 11:03 a.m. through 5:57 p.m. Do the routine Saturday chores and then put on your dancing shoes and party in the evening.
Sunday: Wear green and make merry on St. Patrick’s Day. Engage in conversation.

New to astrology? Read Astrology for Beginners: All About Your Sun Signs

Published on: March 11, 2019

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