
New Moon in Virgo 2018: Success, Empowerment & Productivity

Published on September 3, 2018

Article by Cathy Coleman for Bodhi Tree

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for September 2–10, 2018

The Sun is in practical, hardworking earth sign Virgo through September 22. This week also has a New Moon in Virgo. Virgo symbolizes order, efficiency, accomplishment, health and self-improvement. At summer’s end, we are back to school and work. Saturn moves out of its retrograde motion into direct motion on Thursday. We can then move forward with our work projects and demands.

Again this week the two beneficial trine aspects that have been noted the last two weeks are still with us, coloring our world with good energy and possibilities: Jupiter-Neptune (Jupiter in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces), and Saturn-Uranus (Uranus in Taurus trine Saturn in Capricorn). Jupiter-Neptune is an uplifting, visionary, artistic aspect, though Jupiter is beginning to pull away, dissipating this energy by the end of the week.

Earth Signs Rule the Week

Saturn-Uranus is a combination that can enable us to discover and innovate, and apply practicality and grit to manifest brilliant, breakthrough ideas. Combined with the Sun in Virgo, Mercury in Virgo beginning Wednesday, and the Moon in Virgo on Saturday and Sunday, along with four other planets in earth signs (Uranus in Taurus, and Saturn, Pluto, and Mars in Capricorn), there is tremendous practical energy for putting your life in order and getting a lot accomplished. Saturn turns direct on Thursday, enabling us to move forward with our work plans. Get to work manifesting your visionary, brilliant ideas.

Sunday and Monday, Labor Day, are social days with the Moon in friendly, curious Gemini. Mutable air sign Gemini symbolizes connection, communication and community. Attend to correspondence and phone calls. Set aside some time for reading and learn something new.

On Monday Jupiter and Saturn—the planets of expansion and contraction—make their final semi-square, producing tension between these opposing forces that highlight stability and deep transformation. Benefic aspects on Monday involving the Moon, Venus and Mercury ease the tension of the Jupiter-Saturn aspect, and help us envision the future that we want to create.

The focus on Tuesday and Wednesday is on home, family and comfort, against the backdrop of a Cancer Moon. Tuesday, Saturn opposes the Cancer Moon, focusing us on our responsibilities. A Moon-Uranus sextile will loosen tension and may result in some surprises.

Mercury Moves into Virgo Midweek

Emotions are heightened on Wednesday as the Cancer Moon forms a water Grand Trine with Jupiter and Neptune. This aspect enhances creativity and imagination. The potentials and the pitfalls are magnified by a Moon-Pluto opposition. Mercury moves into Virgo for two weeks, where it is exalted, or highest functioning. Joining the Sun in Virgo and forming a Grand Earth Trine with Saturn and Uranus, our thinking and decision making is sound, and we can take practical steps to move our goals and projects forward.

Saturn Turns Direct Toward Week’s End

Saturn turns stationary direct on Thursday, after being retrograde since April 18. Now we can move our work and projects forward with the help of Saturn in direct motion. When a planet is stationary, turning direction, its symbolism is magnified. Thus, expect this to be a serious day with strong work demands. The Leo Moon opposes Mars in the early morning, just as Saturn is turning direct. You may wake up cranky, so plan to head to the gym or take an early-morning walk to ward off the bad mood. The Moon in Leo reminds us that all work and no play is not allowed.

Friday is a more buoyant and creative day. Mercury forms a benefic Grand Trine with Saturn and Uranus, evoking brilliant ideas, and grounding them in reality. A Sun-Neptune opposition encourages us to use our imagination and reach for the stars. The day is full of creative potential and surprising thoughts. Problems can be solved. Let your enthusiasm, far-out ideas and brilliance soar. Although the Moon is dark, and you may not feel like dancing in the light of the Moon, you could still make it a fun and sparkling Friday evening, as the rest of the weekend is framed for work.

A New Moon in Virgo Makes for an Industrious Weekend

Saturday and Sunday are efficient, industrious days for putting your life in order, blessed by a Virgo Moon. Saturday’s Virgo Moon, conjunct Pallas Athena, forms a benefic Grand Trine with Saturn and Uranus. Not only can you get a lot of tasks and projects completed, but you may be able to creatively solve some problems or find new and surprising ways to get things done. Stay open and flexible. Since the Moon is dark just before Sunday’s New Moon, you may feel like staying at home, and keeping your nose to the grindstone.

Sunday sports a New Moon in Virgo, in itself a powerful message to get your life in order. Neptune’s opposition to the New Moon expands your vision if you allow your imagination to soar. Pluto’s trine to the New Moon in Virgo gives power to accomplish many things on your project list. Venus shifts into Scorpio tropically until October 9; passion is stirred for love and money during this next month.

Relationships are the focus of the Libra Moon on Monday, yet interpersonal relations may be testy, as the Moon-conjunct-Ceres forms a tense T-square to Chiron and Saturn. Mars shifts into Aquarius tropically, and continues in a challenging square to Venus. Balance and satisfaction will likely be difficult to attain. Go with the flow, meet the challenges, and be kind and compassionate.

The Week in Short

Sunday: Connect, correspond, and communicate.

Monday: Connect with a sibling. Take time to read and learn something new.

Tuesday: Focus on responsibilities regarding home and family.

Wednesday: Creative, imaginative, emotionally volatile day.

Thursday: Saturn turns direct. Serious day with strong work demands, but the Leo Moon commands at least a little fun.

Friday: Buoyant, imaginative, creative day. Problems can be surprisingly solved.

Saturday: Efficient, industrious work day. Dark Moon, so take some solitude.

Sunday: New Moon in Virgo. Power through your task list. Venus into Scorpio.

Monday: Relationships are the focus, but they may be testy. Seek balance and be kind.

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Published on: September 3, 2018

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