Home page THE BODHI COLLECTIVE Welcome to the Bodhi Collective, a learning journey to spark deeper awakening. Explore themes of mind, body, spirit, and the numinous universe along with a dynamic tribe of fellow wisdom seekers.
Video Teaching Yogi CameronThe Yogi Code In this teaching, Yogi Cameron discusses his book, The Yogi Code: Seven Universal Laws of Infinite...
Video Teaching Marianne WilliamsonTears to Triumph In this teaching, Marianne Williamson discusses topics from her book, Tears to Triumph: Spiritual ...
https://bodhitree.com/.audio-trailers/BT_DM_AudioTrailerLF_SpiritWeightTraining_Website_120419.mp3 Audio Teaching Dan MillmanThe Hidden School: Return of the Peaceful Warrior In this teaching, Dan Millman discusses concepts from his book, The Hidden School: Return of the P...
Video Teaching Danielle BeinsteinInterrelational Astrology In this teaching, Danielle Beinstein identifies her goals in working with clients, and shares some...
https://bodhitree.com/.audio-trailers/BT_GJ_AudioTrailer_SelfDisSelfAck_120519.mp3 Audio Teaching Guru JagatInvincible Living In this teaching, Guru Jagat shares wisdom and practices from her first book, Invincible Living: T...
https://bodhitree.com/.audio-trailers/BT_JG_C1_AudioTrailer_911Iraq_010820.mp3 Audio Teaching Jeffrey GettlemanLove, Africa Jeffrey Gettleman is a seasoned war correspondent, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, and current ...
80 minutes Bodhi Talk Sonia Choquette The Sixth Sense and the Language of Spirit In this talk, Sonia Choquette, a world-renowned author, vibrational healer and six-sensory spiritual...
49 minutes Bodhi Talk Diane Eichenbaum Embracing the Power That is Your Birthright In this Bodhi Talk, Diane Eichenbaum explains that each sun sign—which describes your basic nature...
Bodhi Talk Jeffrey Gettleman Love, Africa Introduction Jeffrey Gettleman is a seasoned war correspondent, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, ...
79 minutes Bodhi Talk Amit Goswani Physics of the Soul Dr. Amit Goswami guides us down the rabbit hole of quantum physics in a playful yet profound explora...
Bodhi Talk Jill Willard Intuitive Being Introduction Jill Willard is a gifted intuitive, medium, and meditation instructor. In this teachin...
71 minutes Bodhi Talk Neil Douglas-Klotz Desert Wisdom Neil Douglas-Klotz, Ph.D. explores the ancient wisdom of the Middle East by calling on Sufi mystics ...