Krishna in the Sky With Diamonds : The Bh... A verse-by-verse examination of Arjuna’s soma experience and Krishna’s psychedelic…
Why Bad Governments Happen to Good People... The election of Donald Trump has sent the United States…
State of Mind Called Beautiful Thorough guidance from one of the twentieth-century‚Äôs most influential Theravadan…
Path to the Guru : The Science of Self-Re... “A verse-by-verse examination of the guide to self-transformation presented in…
Ethics in the Real World : 82 Brief Essay... Peter Singer is often described as the world’s most influential…
Shantideva’s Guide to Awakening : A... The most comprehensive modern commentary on Shantideva‚Äôs master work. One…
Life and Times of Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi... An biography of one of the most outstanding Tibetan Buddhist…
Embracing Each Moment : A Guide to the Aw... Delightful and accessible teachings on the path to liberation from…
Witches, Sluts, Feminists : Conjuring the... Witch, Slut, Feminist: these contested identities are informing millennial women…
Georg Feuerstein on Tantra, Yogic Traditi... For more than 40 years, Georg Feuerstein, a German Indologist…